固收 通關(guān)學(xué)習(xí)包

固收 通關(guān)學(xué)習(xí)包 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)


  • 固收 單科提分課
  • Reading 39-40:Fixed-Income Securities and Markets
  • 課時1:Basic features of a bon 67:13
  • 課時2:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(1) 26:26
  • 課時3:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(2) 31:05
  • 課時4:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(3) 40:24
  • 課時5:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(4) 24:31
  • 課時6:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(5) 31:50
  • 課時7:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(6) 30:22
  • Reading 41:Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
  • 課時8:YTM(1) 46:03
  • 課時9:YTM(2) 30:24
  • 課時10:spot rate and matrix pricing 23:12
  • 課時11:Full price, Flat price and Accrued interest 24:16
  • 課時12:Yield 32:31
  • 課時13:Yield curve and yield spread 18:34
  • Reading 42:Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
  • 課時14:Securitization and Residential Mortgage Loans 30:20
  • 課時15:Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) 58:36
  • 課時16:Non-Mortgage ABS and CDO 18:11
  • Reading 43:Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return
  • 課時17:Five Important Conclusions and Its Verification 33:11
  • 課時18:Duration -0313 70:06
  • 課時19:Convexity,Duration and Investment Horizon 29:00
  • Reading 44:Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
  • 課時20:Fundamentals of Credit Analysis(1) 35:03
  • 課時21:Fundamentals of Credit Analysis(2) 36:28
  • 2022年新增知識點
  • 課時22:2022年新增知識點 62:11
  • 固收 重難點講解
  • 課時23:固收—債券估值 127:39
  • 課時24:固收—資產(chǎn)證券化 88:26
  • 課時25:固收—債券收益和利率風(fēng)險 112:28
  • 固收 串講課(贈送,待更新)