CFA?三級固收 單科提分課

CFA?三級固收 單科提分課 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)



  • 第 1 章 : 固定收益
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 18. Introduction to Fixed-Income Portfolio Management
  • 課時1:Introduction和內(nèi)容回顧1 43:47
  • 課時2:內(nèi)容回顧2 58:19
  • 課時3:Roles of Fixed-Income Securities in Portfolios 34:28
  • 課時4:Fixed-Income mandates 52:04
  • 課時5:Fixed-Income mandates(2) 32:49
  • 課時6:Bond Market Liquidity 27:32
  • 課時7:A Model for Fixed-Income Returns 44:31
  • 課時8:Leverage 61:49
  • 課時9:Fixed-Income Portfolio Taxation 39:21
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 19. Liability-Driven and Index-Based Strategies
  • 課時10:Introduction 17:24
  • 課時11:Interest Rate Immunization―a Single Liability 64:52
  • 課時12:Interest Rate Immunization―a Single Liability(2) 47:27
  • 課時13:Interest Rate Immunization―a Single Liability(3) 41:17
  • 課時14:Interest Rate Immunization―Multiple Liabilities(1) 36:14
  • 課時15:Interest Rate Immunization―Multiple Liabilities(2) 43:34
  • 課時16:Interest Rate Immunization―Multiple Liabilities(3) 38:24
  • 課時17:An Example―Defined Benefit Pension Plan 79:14
  • 課時18:Risks in Liability-Driven Investing 25:24
  • 課時19:Index-based strategies(1) 43:06
  • 課時20:Index-based strategies(2)and Laddered Bond Portfolios 49:32
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 20. Yield Curve Strategies
  • 課時21:Movements of Yield Curve 15:09
  • 課時22:Duration and Convexity 28:49
  • 課時23:Yield Curve Strategies Under a Stable Yield Curve 12:58
  • 課時24:Yield Curve Strategies Under a Stable Yield Curve-Carry trade 48:45
  • 課時25:Carry trade(Example) 39:24
  • 課時26:Yield Curve Strategies for Changes in Yield Curve-Duration Management 33:44
  • 課時27:Yield Curve Strategies for Changes in Yield Curve-Bullet and Barbell Structures 44:51
  • 課時28:Yield Curve Strategies for Changes in Yield Curve-Butterflies and Condor 22:50
  • 課時29:Yield Curve Strategies for Changes in Yield Curve-Buy convexity 29:20
  • 課時30:Duration Positioning in Anticipation of a Parallel Upward Shift in the Yield Curve 47:43
  • 課時31:A Framework for Evaluating Yield Curve Trades 48:09
  • 課時32:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Example(1) 41:56
  • 課時33:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Example(2) 50:26
  • 課時34:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Example(3) 43:04
  • 課時35:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Other Conclusions 25:51
  • 課時36:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Case 39:36
  • 課時37:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Case (26題) 46:57
  • 課時38:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Case (27題) 42:38
  • 課時39:Inter-Market Curve Strategies-Case (28-32題) 32:47
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 21. Fixed-Income Active Management: Credit Strategies
  • 課時40:Investment-Grade & High Yield Corporate Bond Portfolio 48:59
  • 課時41:Credit Spreads (G-spread) 40:18
  • 課時42:Credit Spreads (I-spread, Z-spread and OAS, Excess return) 32:49
  • 課時43:Credit Strategy Approaches (Bottom-up Approach) 35:35
  • 課時44:Credit Strategy Approaches (Top-Down Approach) 43:55
  • 課時45:Liquidity Risk & Tail Risk in Credit Portfolio 14:55
  • 課時46:International Credit Portfolio 14:47
  • 課時47:Structured Financial Instruments 31:40