ACCA P1 Crystal 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學習

Governance, Risk and Ethics


  • 免費 課時1:Introduction - 1 38:51
  • 課時2:Introduction - 2 42:31
  • 第 1 章 : Part A Governance and responsibility
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 1 Scope of corporate governance
  • 課時3:Corporate governance - 1 39:06
  • 課時4:Corporate governance - 2 39:05
  • 課時5:Agency Theory 39:42
  • 課時6:Types of stakeholders - 1 31:56
  • 課時7:Types of stakeholders - 2 35:11
  • 課時8:Roles of stakeholders - 1 44:15
  • 課時9:Roles of stakeholders - 2 36:31
  • 課時10:Roles of stakeholders - 3 36:46
  • 課時11:Summary of Chapter 1 34:28
  • 第 2 章 : Part A
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 2 Approaches to corporate governance
  • 課時12:Basis of corporate governance guidance - 1 44:39
  • 課時13:Basis of corporate governance guidance - 2 41:22
  • 課時14:Corporate Governance Codes 37:14
  • 課時15:Sarbanes-Oxley 25:03
  • 課時16:Corporate social responsibility 32:41
  • 課時17:Public sector governance 35:43
  • 課時18:Summary of Chapter 2 & the board 38:53
  • 第 3 章 : Part A
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 3 Corporate governance practice and reporting
  • 課時19:Role of the board - 1 49:04
  • 課時20:Role of the board - 2 46:08
  • 課時21:Board membership and roles - 1 43:44
  • 課時22:Board membership and roles - 2 44:36
  • 課時23:Directors' remuneration 34:17
  • 課時24:Governance: reporting and disclosure & Summary of Chapter 3 38:47
  • 第 4 章 : Part B&C&D Internal control and risk
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 4 Internal control systems
  • 課時25:Internal control frameworks 32:07
  • 課時26:COSO's framework & Evaluating 35:40
  • 第 5 章 : Part B&C&D Internal control and risk
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 5 Risk attitudes and internal environment
  • 課時27:Risk awareness 46:06
  • 課時28:Risk management responsibilities 46:30
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Chapter 6 Risks
  • 課時29:Strategic and operational risks - 1 25:38
  • 課時30:Strategic and operational risks - 2 22:42
  • 課時31:Examples of risks faced by organisations - 1 42:41
  • 課時32:Examples of risks faced by organisations - 2 34:41
  • 課時33:Examples of risks faced by organisations - 3 45:33
  • 課時34:Summary of Chapter 6 39:59
  • 第 6 章 : Part B&C&D Internal control and risk
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 7 Risk assessment and response
  • 課時35:Risk assessment 45:59
  • 課時36:Risk response 32:20
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Chapter 8 Information, communication and monitoring
  • 課時37:Information requirements of directors & Communication 32:19
  • 課時38:Monitoring & Audit committee 32:27
  • 課時39:Summary of Part B&C&D 42:51
  • 第 7 章 : Part E
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 9 Personal ethics
  • 課時40:Ethical theories - 1 32:45
  • 課時41:Ethical theories - 2 27:39
  • 課時42:Influences on ethics 35:29
  • 課時43:Frameworks for dealing with ethical situations 23:26
  • 第 8 章 : Part E
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Chapter 10 Professional ethics
  • 課時44:Corporate & Professional codes of ethics 41:18
  • 課時45:Independence and conflicts of interest 40:22
  • 課時46:Bribery & Public interest 38:28
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Chapter 11 Corporate social responsibility
  • 課時47:Organisations' ethical and social responsibility stances 30:51
  • 課時48:Sustainability 45:14
  • 課時49:Environmental management systems 39:28
  • 第 9 章 : 真題講解
  • 課時50:2013年12月 Q1 - 1 50:01
  • 課時51:2013年12月 Q1 - 2 36:55
  • 課時52:2013年12月 Q2Q3Q4 42:30
  • 課時53:2015年6月 Q1 - 1 34:59
  • 課時54:2015年6月 Q1 - 2 38:19
  • 課時55:2012年12月 Q3 40:42
  • 課時56:真題講解 - 1 42:41
  • 課時57:真題講解 - 2 32:32