CFA財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表分析課 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)

提升財(cái)務(wù)專業(yè)技能 掌握企業(yè)盈虧決策


  • 第 1 節(jié) : 財(cái)報(bào)精講入門
  • 免費(fèi) 課時(shí)1:財(cái)務(wù)基礎(chǔ) 16:36
  • 第 1 章 : 財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表分析
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 21. Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction
  • 課時(shí)2:Introduction 12:54
  • 課時(shí)3:Major Financial Statements and other Information sources 38:43
  • 課時(shí)4:Financial Statement Analysis Framework and Review 03:33
  • 第 2 節(jié) : R22.Financial Reporting Standards
  • 課時(shí)5:Standard-Setting bodies and Covergence of Global Standards 09:37
  • 課時(shí)6:The International Financial Reporting Standards Framework 39:42
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 23. Understanding Income Statement
  • 課時(shí)7:Components and Format of the Income Statement 40:10
  • 課時(shí)8:Revenue Recognition 07:35
  • 課時(shí)9:Expense Recognition,Non-recurring Items and Non-operating Items 12:02
  • 課時(shí)10:Earning Per Share 31:35
  • 課時(shí)11:Basic EPS and Diluted EPS 43:45
  • 課時(shí)12:Comprehensive Income and Topic Reiew 09:53
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 24. Understanding Balance Sheet
  • 課時(shí)13:Components and Format of the Balance Sheet 11:36
  • 課時(shí)14:Current and Non-Current Asstes 34:22
  • 課時(shí)15:Current and Non-Current Liabilities 10:46
  • 課時(shí)16:Equity 25:35