CFA?考試三級高清網(wǎng)課 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)


  • 第 1 章 : 資本市場預(yù)期
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 10
  • 課時(shí)1:Framework and Challenges 44:28
  • 課時(shí)2:Economic and Market Analysis 1 64:26
  • 課時(shí)3:Economic and Market Analysis 2 89:46
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 11
  • 課時(shí)4:Forecasting Fixed-Income Returns 59:44
  • 課時(shí)5:Forecasting Equity and Real Estate Returns 36:07
  • 課時(shí)6:Forecasting Exchange Rates 55:58
  • 課時(shí)7:Forecasting Volatility and Adjusting a Global Portfolio 32:28
  • 第 2 章 : 資產(chǎn)配置
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading12
  • 免費(fèi) 課時(shí)8:Framework 47:43
  • 課時(shí)9:The Investment Governance Background to Asset Allocation 59:58
  • 課時(shí)10:The Economic Balance Sheet and Asset Allocation 19:37
  • 課時(shí)11:Strategic Asset Allocation(1) 71:30
  • 課時(shí)12:Strategic Asset Allocation(2) 83:15
  • 課時(shí)13:Implementation Choices 27:02
  • 課時(shí)14:Rebalancing:Strategic Consideration 18:43
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 13
  • 課時(shí)15:Mean-variance Optimization (1) 45:17
  • 課時(shí)16:Mean-variance Optimization (2) 51:29
  • 課時(shí)17:Monte Carlo Simulation 34:25
  • 課時(shí)18:Reverse optimization & Black-Litterman model 41:39
  • 課時(shí)19:Adding constraints beyond the budget constraints 06:56
  • 課時(shí)20:Resampled mean-variance Optimization 23:45
  • 課時(shí)21:Other non-normal optimization approaches 06:38
  • 課時(shí)22:Allocating to less liquid asset classes 07:48
  • 課時(shí)23:Risk budgeting 37:24
  • 課時(shí)24:Factor-Based Asset AlIocation 11:04
  • 課時(shí)25:Liability-relative asset allocation(1) 82:35
  • 課時(shí)26:Liability-relative asset allocation(2) 47:29
  • 課時(shí)27:Goal-based asset allocation 37:26
  • 課時(shí)28:Other approaches to asset allocation 11:34
  • 課時(shí)29:Rebalancing 08:41
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading14
  • 課時(shí)30:Constraints in Asset Allocation 39:00
  • 課時(shí)31:Asset Allocation for The Taxable investor 16:11
  • 課時(shí)32:Revising The Strategic Asset Allocation 07:49
  • 課時(shí)33:Short-term Shifts in Asset Allocation 12:46
  • 課時(shí)34:Dealing with Behavioral Biases in Asset Allocation 24:56
  • 第 3 章 : 衍生品與外匯管理
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 15
  • 課時(shí)35:Position Equivalencies(1) 16:28
  • 課時(shí)36:Position Equivalencies(2) 18:37
  • 課時(shí)37:Covered Calls and Protective Puts(1) 26:39
  • 課時(shí)38:Covered Calls and Protective Puts(2) 32:32
  • 課時(shí)39:Spreads and Combinations(1) 23:38
  • 課時(shí)40:Spreads and Combinations(2) 24:58
  • 課時(shí)41:Implied Volatility and Volatility Skew 11:11
  • 課時(shí)42:Investment Objectives and Strategy Selection 06:46
  • 課時(shí)43:Uses of Options in Portfolio Management 14:35
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 16
  • 課時(shí)44:Changing Risk Exposures with Swaps, Futures, and Forwards(1) 31:24
  • 課時(shí)45:Changing Risk Exposures with Swaps, Futures, and Forwards(2) 31:58
  • 課時(shí)46:Changing Risk Exposures with Swaps, Futures, and Forwards(3) 33:03
  • 課時(shí)47:Changing Risk Exposures with Swaps, Futures, and Forwards(4) 15:17
  • 課時(shí)48:Derivatives on Volatility 23:49
  • 課時(shí)49:Uses of Derivatives in Portfolio Management 20:55
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 17
  • 課時(shí)50:Basic concepts of currency management 42:27
  • 課時(shí)51:Effects of currency on portfolio risk and return 15:06
  • 課時(shí)52:Strategic decisions 25:21
  • 課時(shí)53:Tactical currency management(1) 24:43
  • 課時(shí)54:Tactical currency management(2) 18:19
  • 課時(shí)55:Hedging and roll yield 21:43
  • 課時(shí)56:Strategies to modify risk and lower hedging costs 16:17
  • 課時(shí)57:Hedging multiple currencies 14:31
  • 課時(shí)58:Managing emerging market currency 06:20
  • 第 4 章 : 固定收益
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 18. Introduction to Fixed-Income Portfolio Management
  • 課時(shí)59:Introduction和內(nèi)容回顧1 43:47
  • 課時(shí)60:內(nèi)容回顧2 58:19
  • 課時(shí)61:Roles of Fixed-Income Securities in Portfolios 34:28
  • 課時(shí)62:Fixed-Income mandates 52:04
  • 課時(shí)63:Fixed-Income mandates(2) 32:49
  • 課時(shí)64:Bond Market Liquidity 27:32
  • 課時(shí)65:A Model for Fixed-Income Returns 47:07
  • 課時(shí)66:Leverage 61:49
  • 課時(shí)67:Fixed-Income Portfolio Taxation 39:21
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 19. Liability-Driven and Index-Based Strategies
  • 課時(shí)68:Introduction 17:24
  • 課時(shí)69:Interest Rate Immunization―a Single Liability 64:52
  • 課時(shí)70:Interest Rate Immunization―a Single Liability(2) 47:27
  • 課時(shí)71:Interest Rate Immunization―a Single Liability(3) 41:17
  • 課時(shí)72:Interest Rate Immunization―Multiple Liabilities(1) 36:14
  • 課時(shí)73:Interest Rate Immunization―Multiple Liabilities(2) 43:34
  • 課時(shí)74:Interest Rate Immunization―Multiple Liabilities(3) 38:24
  • 課時(shí)75:An Example―Defined Benefit Pension Plan 79:14
  • 課時(shí)76:Risks in Liability-Driven Investing 25:24
  • 課時(shí)77:Index-based strategies(1) 43:06
  • 課時(shí)78:Index-based strategies(2)and Laddered Bond Portfolios 49:32
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 20. Yield Curve Strategies
  • 課時(shí)79:Yield Curve Dynamics,Duration and Convexity 38:47
  • 課時(shí)80:Yield Curve Strategies (Static Yield Curve) 48:54
  • 課時(shí)81:Yield Curve Strategies (Dynamic Yield Curve) 73:08
  • 課時(shí)82:Active Fixed-Income Management Across Currencies 40:05
  • 課時(shí)83:A Framework for Evaluating Yield Curve Strategies 13:01
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 21.Fixed-Income Active Management: Credit Strategies
  • 課時(shí)84:Credit Risk Considerations 52:51
  • 課時(shí)85:Credit Spread Measures(1) 74:46
  • 課時(shí)86:Credit Spread Measures(2) 47:57
  • 課時(shí)87:Credit Strategies 44:36
  • 課時(shí)88:Liquidity and Tail Risk 21:48
  • 課時(shí)89:Synthetic Credit Strategies (1) 48:02
  • 課時(shí)90:Synthetic Credit Strategies (2) 39:29
  • 課時(shí)91:Static Credit Spread Curve Strategies 38:38
  • 課時(shí)92:Dynamic Credit Spread Curve Strategies 04:43
  • 課時(shí)93:Dynamic Credit Spread Curve Strategies 39:30
  • 課時(shí)94:Global Credit Strategies 18:35
  • 課時(shí)95:Structured Credit 13:25
  • 第 5 章 : 另類投資
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 26
  • 課時(shí)96:Classification of Hedge Funds and Strategies 22:05
  • 課時(shí)97:Equity Strategies 46:04
  • 課時(shí)98:Event-Driven Strategies 26:43
  • 課時(shí)99:Relative Value Strategies 24:21
  • 課時(shí)100:Opportunistic Strategies 10:38
  • 課時(shí)101:Specialist Strategies 19:31
  • 課時(shí)102:Multi-Manager Strategies 24:08
  • 課時(shí)103:Analysis of Hedge Fund Strategies 09:33
  • 課時(shí)104:Portfolio Contribution of Hedge Fund Strategies 08:02
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 27
  • 課時(shí)105:The Role of Alternative Investments in a Multi-Asset Portfolio 12:40
  • 課時(shí)106:Diversifying Equity Risk 09:35
  • 課時(shí)107:Perspectives on the Investment Opportunity Set 15:14
  • 課時(shí)108:Investment Considerations Relevant to the Decision to Invest in Alternatives 19:49
  • 課時(shí)109:Suitability Considerations 09:04
  • 課時(shí)110:Asset Allocation Approaches 17:51
  • 課時(shí)111:Liquidity Planning 17:21
  • 課時(shí)112:Monitoring the Investment Program 12:32
  • 第 6 章 : 私人財(cái)富管理
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 21
  • 課時(shí)113:Introduction 32:07
  • 課時(shí)114:Private Clients versus Institutional Clients 33:38
  • 課時(shí)115:Understanding Private Clients 53:14
  • 課時(shí)116:Investment Planning and Capital Sufficiency Analysis 42:32
  • 課時(shí)117:Investment Policy Statement 111:11
  • 課時(shí)118:Portfolio Construction and Monitoring 37:55
  • 課時(shí)119:Ethical and Compliance Considerations in Private Wealth Management 10:31
  • 課時(shí)120:Private Client Segments 21:28
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 22
  • 課時(shí)121:Introduction 13:16
  • 課時(shí)122:General Principle of Taxation- Components of Return and Tax Status of the Account 49:45
  • 課時(shí)123:The Jurisdiction That Applies To The Investors 26:37
  • 課時(shí)124:Measuring Tax Efficiency With After-Tax Returns 75:59
  • 課時(shí)125:Taxable Account, TEA, TDA- Capital Accumulation and Asset Location 26:37
  • 課時(shí)126:Taxable Account, TEA, TDA- Decumulation Strategies and Charitable Giving Strategies 09:25
  • 課時(shí)127:Tax Management Strategies and Basic Tax Strategies 40:42
  • 課時(shí)128:Managing Concentrated Portfolios and Risk and Tax Considerations In Managing Concentrated Single-Asset Positions 24:39
  • 課時(shí)129:Strategies For Managing Concentrated Positions In Public Equities 33:34
  • 課時(shí)130:Strategies For Managing Concentrated Positions In Privately Owned Business and Strategies For Managing Concentrated Positi... 16:30
  • 課時(shí)131:Directing And Transferring Wealth And Objectives Of Gift And Estate Planning 26:07
  • 課時(shí)132:Gift And Estate Planning Strategies, Introduction to Estate Planning- Wills, Probate and Legal Systems, And Lifetime Gifts... 24:01
  • 課時(shí)133:Estate Planning Tools- Trusts, Foundations, Life Insurance, Companies 22:43
  • 課時(shí)134:Managing Wealth Across Generations, General Principles Of Family Governance, Family Conflict Resolution, And Family Dynami... 04:55
  • 課時(shí)135:Planning For The Unexpected 04:32
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 23
  • 課時(shí)136:Introduction 06:49
  • 課時(shí)137:Human Capital and Financial Capital 17:47
  • 課時(shí)138:The Individual Balance Sheet 07:35
  • 課時(shí)139:Individual Risk Exposures 09:58
  • 課時(shí)140:Life Insurance and Other Types of Insurance 38:40
  • 課時(shí)141:Annuities 17:00
  • 課時(shí)142:Implementation of Risk Management 06:32
  • 課時(shí)143:Others 21:54
  • 第 7 章 : 機(jī)構(gòu)投資者的組合管理
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 34
  • 課時(shí)144:Institutional Investors Common Characteristics 51:10
  • 課時(shí)145:Overview of Investment Policy 34:00
  • 課時(shí)146:Pension Funds 83:10
  • 課時(shí)147:Sovereign Wealth Funds 23:58
  • 課時(shí)148:University Endowments and Private Foundations 41:35
  • 課時(shí)149:Banks and Insurers 61:30
  • 第 8 章 : 交易、業(yè)績評價(jià)、經(jīng)理選擇
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 35
  • 課時(shí)150:Motivations to Trade 34:14
  • 課時(shí)151:Trading Strategies and Strategy Selection 45:43
  • 課時(shí)152:Trade Execution (Strategy Implementation) 28:42
  • 課時(shí)153:Trade Evaluation 24:38
  • 課時(shí)154:Trade Governance 06:52
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 36
  • 課時(shí)155:The Components of Performance Evaluation 05:43
  • 課時(shí)156:Benchmarking Investments and Managers 44:52
  • 課時(shí)157:Performance Attribution 55:20
  • 課時(shí)158:Performance Appraisal 20:31
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 37
  • 課時(shí)159:A Framework for Investment Manager Search and Selection 18:38
  • 課時(shí)160:Quantitative Elements of Manager Search and Selection 08:36
  • 課時(shí)161:Qualitative Elements of Manager Due Diligence 21:45
  • 第 9 章 : 案例
  • 課時(shí)162:Liquidity Management 15:46
  • 課時(shí)163:QUINCO Case 32:44
  • 課時(shí)164:Case Study in Risk Management:Private Wealth 22:13
  • 第 10 章 : 職業(yè)倫理道德(三級通用)
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 56:Ethical and Trust in the Investment Profession
  • 課時(shí)165:課程概覽 79:12
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 57:Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
  • 課時(shí)166:Code of Ethics (1) 12:29
  • 課時(shí)167:Code of Ethics (2) 14:54
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 58:Guidance for Standards I-VII
  • 課時(shí)168:Introduction 27:45
  • 課時(shí)169:I(A) Knowledge of the law-20191105 52:58
  • 課時(shí)170:I(B) Independence and objectivity-20191105 60:25
  • 課時(shí)171:I(C) Misrepresentation 47:45
  • 課時(shí)172:I(D) Misconduct 30:05
  • 課時(shí)173:II(A) Material nonpublic information 56:40
  • 課時(shí)174:II(B) Market manipulation 24:19
  • 課時(shí)175:III(A) Loyalty, prudence, and care 42:46
  • 課時(shí)176:III(B) Fair dealing 40:20
  • 課時(shí)177:Ⅲ(C)Suitability 41:53
  • 課時(shí)178:Ⅲ(D)Performance Presentation 21:37
  • 課時(shí)179:Ⅲ(E)Preservation of Confidentiality 22:56
  • 課時(shí)180:Ⅳ(A)Loyalty 32:19
  • 課時(shí)181:Ⅳ(B)Additional Compensation Arrangement 13:45
  • 課時(shí)182:Ⅳ(C)Responsibilities of Supervisors 28:24
  • 課時(shí)183:Ⅴ(A)Diligence and Reasonable Basis 21:00
  • 課時(shí)184:Ⅴ(B)Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients 19:08
  • 課時(shí)185:Ⅴ(C)Record Retention 11:38
  • 課時(shí)186:VI(A) Disclosure of Conflicts 32:02
  • 課時(shí)187:VI(B) Priority of Transactions 14:47
  • 課時(shí)188:VI(C) Referral Fees 10:45
  • 課時(shí)189:VII(A) Conduct as Participants in CFA Institute Programs 13:27
  • 課時(shí)190:VII(B) Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program 21:39
  • 第 4 節(jié) : 道德專題補(bǔ)充- GIPS
  • 課時(shí)191:GIPS 01 40:42
  • 課時(shí)192:GIPS 02 41:38
  • 課時(shí)193:GIPS 03 37:30
  • 課時(shí)194:GIPS 04 40:17
  • 課時(shí)195:GIPS 05 39:53
  • 課時(shí)196:GIPS 06 41:53
  • 第 5 節(jié) : 道德專題補(bǔ)充- AMC
  • 課時(shí)197:AMC 29:23
  • 第 11 章 : 股票組合管理
  • 課時(shí)198:股票組合管理01 37:21
  • 課時(shí)199:股票組合管理02 40:14
  • 課時(shí)200:股票組合管理03 46:36
  • 課時(shí)201:股票組合管理04 41:40
  • 課時(shí)202:股票組合管理05 54:35
  • 課時(shí)203:股票組合管理06 48:21
  • 課時(shí)204:股票組合管理07 49:47
  • 課時(shí)205:股票組合管理08 46:23
  • 課時(shí)206:股票組合管理09 46:16
  • 課時(shí)207:股票組合管理10 41:11
  • 課時(shí)208:股票組合管理11 32:20
  • 課時(shí)209:股票組合管理12 44:35
  • 課時(shí)210:股票組合管理13 45:35
  • 課時(shí)211:股票組合管理14 45:28
  • 課時(shí)212:股票組合管理15 43:15