
FRM?二級高清網(wǎng)課 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)


  • 第 1 章 : 市場風(fēng)險
  • 課時1:Estimating Market Risk Measures (1) 51:08
  • 課時2:Estimating Market Risk Measures (2) 39:15
  • 課時3:Estimating Market Risk Measures 章節(jié)總結(jié) 17:01
  • 課時4:Non-Parametric Approaches (1) 54:28
  • 課時5:Non-Parametric Approaches (2)& 章節(jié)總結(jié) 45:21
  • 課時6:Extreme Value(1) 35:34
  • 課時7:Extreme Value(2) 47:31
  • 課時8:Backtesting VaR (1) 43:37
  • 課時9:Backtesting VaR (2) 39:50
  • 課時10:VaR Mapping 60:59
  • 課時11:Trading Book 28:04
  • 課時12:Correlation Basics(1) 68:37
  • 課時13:Correlation Basics(2) 60:20
  • 課時14:Correlation Basics(3)& 章節(jié)總結(jié) 29:49
  • 課時15:Empirical Properties of Correlation 34:54
  • 課時16:Financial Correlation Modeling—Bottom-Up Approaches 43:24
  • 課時17:Empirical Approaches to Risk Metrics and Hedging 57:33
  • 第 1 節(jié) : The Science of Term Structure Models :二叉樹
  • 課時18:Interest Rate Tree (Binominal) Model 19:09
  • 課時19:Arbitrage argument to pricing of derivatives 19:32
  • 課時20:Risk-neutral pricing 15:19
  • 課時21:應(yīng)用 23:58
  • 課時22:CMT Swap 12:12
  • 課時23:OAS+BSM 18:33
  • 第 2 節(jié) : The Evolution of Short Rates and the Shape of the Term Structure:影響因素
  • 課時24:Expectations 17:01
  • 課時25:Volatility and Convexity 29:40
  • 課時26:Risk Premium 15:21
  • 第 3 節(jié) : The Art of Term Structure Models : Drift
  • 課時27:Model1 & Model2 49:34
  • 課時28:Ho-Lee Model & Vasicek Model 38:07
  • 第 4 節(jié) : The Art of Term Structure Models - Volatility
  • 課時29:Model3 & CIR Model & Lognormal Model 36:23
  • 課時30:Term Structure of Interest Rate-總結(jié) 10:33
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Volatility Smile
  • 課時31:Volatility Smile 34:08
  • 第 2 章 : 投資組合風(fēng)險
  • 課時32:Factor Investing (1) 81:22
  • 課時33:Factor Investing (2) 71:26
  • 課時34:Factor Investing (3) 58:33
  • 課時35:Portolio construction(1) 38:56
  • 課時36:Portolio construction(2) 49:09
  • 課時37:Portolio construction(3) 40:09
  • 課時38:Portolio construction(4) 52:10
  • 課時39:Portfolio Risk(1) 28:37
  • 課時40:Portfolio Risk(2) 56:32
  • 課時41:Portfolio Risk(3) 53:30
  • 課時42:Portfolio Risk(4) 60:53
  • 課時43:Portfolio Risk(5) 43:46
  • 課時44:Portfolio Risk(6) 26:27
  • 課時45:Risk monitoring and Performance Measurement 49:24
  • 課時46:Portfolio Performance Evaluation(1) 35:08
  • 課時47:Portfolio Performance Evaluation(2) 47:11
  • 課時48:Portfolio Performance Evaluation(3) 35:32
  • 課時49:Hedge Fund 57:43
  • 課時50:Performing Due Diligence On Specific Managers And Funds 37:03
  • 第 3 章 : 信用風(fēng)險
  • 第 1 節(jié) : 2024信用風(fēng)險概述
  • 課時51:2024信用風(fēng)險概述 16:56
  • 第 2 節(jié) : 信用風(fēng)險基礎(chǔ)
  • 課時52:信用風(fēng)險基礎(chǔ)1 29:49
  • 課時53:信用風(fēng)險基礎(chǔ)2 30:43
  • 第 3 節(jié) : 信用風(fēng)險治理
  • 課時54:?基本概念及指導(dǎo)方針 28:17
  • 課時55:技能 21:20
  • 課時56:限額與監(jiān)管 18:27
  • 第 4 節(jié) : 主權(quán)違約風(fēng)險
  • 課時57:國家風(fēng)險的因素和本幣外幣債 25:23
  • 課時58:?主權(quán)違約的影響及度量方法 40:20
  • 第 5 節(jié) : 信用風(fēng)險管理
  • 課時59:政策和監(jiān)管限額 21:30
  • 課時60:銀行減少信用風(fēng)險的特定政策和行為 35:31
  • 課時61:資產(chǎn)分類、貸款損失度量及分析、管理能力 30:48
  • 第 6 節(jié) : 1
  • 課時62:Definition of Credit 32:31
  • 課時63:Willingness &Capacity 40:38
  • 第 7 節(jié) : 2
  • 課時64:Credit Analysts job 29:44
  • 課時65:The Counterparty Credit Analyst 37:10
  • 第 8 節(jié) : 3
  • 課時66:Capital Structure 65:25
  • 第 9 節(jié) : 4
  • 課時67:Rating Assignment Methodologies-introduction 17:27
  • 課時68:Rating Assignment Methodologies-Experts-Based Approaches 85:37
  • 課時69:statistical-Based Models:Merton model 35:04
  • 課時70:Reduced form models 81:46
  • 課時71: Unsupervised Techniques 32:15
  • 課時72:AI & Summary 55:10
  • 第 10 節(jié) : 5
  • 課時73: Merton Model 17:54
  • 課時74:Credit Risk Portfolio Models 27:03
  • 課時75:Credit Derivatives 50:21
  • 第 11 節(jié) : 6
  • 課時76: Credit Spread 31:34
  • 課時77: Credit default intensity model 20:48
  • 課時78: Hazard rate 12:14
  • 課時79: Spread curve 16:35
  • 第 12 節(jié) : 7
  • 課時80:Default correlation & Credit VaR 12:31
  • 課時81: Credit VaR 18:36
  • 課時82: Single factor model 17:00
  • 第 13 節(jié) : 9
  • 課時83:Counterparty Risk 30:28
  • 課時84: Mitigating Counterparty Risk 22:49
  • 第 14 節(jié) : 10
  • 課時85:Netting 27:16
  • 課時86:Features 22:47
  • 第 15 節(jié) : 11
  • 課時87:Collateral 58:41
  • 第 16 節(jié) : 12
  • 課時88:Credit Exposure Metrics 30:23
  • 課時89:Exposure of financial production 24:41
  • 課時90:Netting and Collateral 39:30
  • 第 17 節(jié) : 13
  • 課時91:Mechanics of CCP 34:34
  • 課時92:Impact of CCP 29:07
  • 第 18 節(jié) : 14
  • 課時93:CVA 32:47
  • 課時94:CVA&BCVA 12:03
  • 第 19 節(jié) : 15
  • 課時95:Wrong way risk 59:43
  • 第 20 節(jié) : 16
  • 課時96:Stress testing 57:01
  • 第 21 節(jié) : 17
  • 課時97:Retail Credit Risk 56:41
  • 課時98:Credit Scoring Model1 37:41
  • 第 22 節(jié) : 18
  • 課時99:TOPIC 1.1 SPV 50:36
  • 課時100:TOPIC 1.2 Credit Enhancement 19:31
  • 課時101:TOPIC 1.3 Performance Analysis 15:19
  • 課時102:TOPIC 2.1 Subprime Frictions 44:29
  • 課時103:TOPIC 2.2 Structural Features 17:30
  • 課時104:TOPIC 3.1 CDS 35:01
  • 課時105:TOPIC 3.2 TRS 07:01
  • 課時106:TOPIC 3.3 CLN 18:00
  • 課時107:TOPIC 3.4 CDO & Others 25:50
  • 第 4 章 : 操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理
  • 課時109:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202401 60:11
  • 課時110:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202402 61:15
  • 課時111:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202403 44:32
  • 課時112:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202404 56:41
  • 課時113:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202405 56:15
  • 課時114:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202406 54:05
  • 課時115:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202407 57:18
  • 課時116:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202408 56:37
  • 課時117:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202409 52:31
  • 課時118:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202410 55:58
  • 課時119:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202411 56:30
  • 課時120:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202412 49:54
  • 課時121:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202413 53:27
  • 課時122:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202414 58:44
  • 課時123:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202415 55:26
  • 課時124:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202416 55:54
  • 課時125:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202417 55:57
  • 課時126:操作及綜合風(fēng)險管理_202418 50:28
  • 第 5 章 : 巴塞爾協(xié)議
  • 課時127:總綱 23:57
  • 課時128:Introduction of Basel Accord:Background Knowledge and Basic terms 40:07
  • 課時129:Introduction of Basel Accord:Evolution of Basel Accord(1) 18:37
  • 課時130:Introduction of Basel Accord:Evolution of Basel Accord(2) 64:30
  • 課時131:Introduction of Basel Accord:Framework of Basel II 49:07
  • 課時132:Basel II:Introduction of Basel II 10:29
  • 課時133:Basel II:Definition of Capital 54:53
  • 課時134:Basel II:Pillar 1-Capital requirements 42:20
  • 課時135:Basel II:Pillar 1-Credit Risk Measurement(1) 91:26
  • 課時136:Basel II:Pillar 1-Credit Risk Measurement(2) 80:58
  • 課時137:Basel II:Pillar 1-Market Risk Measurement and Operational Risk Measurement 48:01
  • 課時138:Basel II:Pillar 2-Supervisory Review and Pillar 3-Market Discipline 40:17
  • 課時139:Basel II.5 38:22
  • 課時140:Fundamental Review of The Trading Book 62:49
  • 課時141:Basel III:Basel III Amendment and Capital Definition 62:48
  • 課時142:Basel III:CCB,Countercyclical Buffer,Market Risk Capital,Operational Risk,Leverage Ratios 42:37
  • 課時143:Basel III:Systematic Risk management,Liquidity Requirement 83:35
  • 課時144:Basel III:Risk Coverage and Dodd-frank Wall Street Reform 16:43
  • 課時145:Reforms and finalization-High-Level Summary of Basel III Reform 108:55
  • 課時146:Reforms and finalization:Motivation of Basel III Reform and Finalizing Basel III 18:40
  • 第 6 章 : 流動性風(fēng)險
  • 課時147:Introduction of Liquidity Risk Management:Liquidity Risk(1) 87:22
  • 課時148:Introduction of Liquidity Risk Management:Liquidity Risk(2) 61:58
  • 課時149:Introduction of Liquidity Risk Management:Liquidity and Leverage(1) 47:20
  • 課時150:Introduction of Liquidity Risk Management:Liquidity and Leverage(2) 92:55
  • 課時151:Framework of Liquidity Risk Management Liquidity Stress Testing 52:51
  • 課時152:Framework of Liquidity Risk Management Liquidity Risk Reporting and Stress Testing 44:41
  • 課時153:Framework of Liquidity Risk Manangement:Intraday Liquidity Risk Management 28:32
  • 課時154:Framework of Liquidity Risk Management:Monitoring Liquidity 117:57
  • 課時155:Early Warning Indicators 41:17
  • 課時156:Contingency Funding Planning 36:15
  • 課時157:Management of Liquidity Investment:The Investement Function in Financial Services Management 72:14
  • 課時158:Repurchase Agreements and Financing 78:55
  • 課時159:Illiquid Assets 83:15
  • 課時160:Liquidity and Reserves Management Strategies and Polices 88:03
  • 課時161:Managing and Priding Deposit Services 72:53
  • 課時162:Managing Non-deposit Liabilities 55:39
  • 課時163:Risk Management for Changing Interest Rate 63:28
  • 課時164:Liquidity Transfer Pricing 62:37
  • 課時165:The Failure of Dealer Bank 15:01
  • 課時166:Covered Interest Rate Parity Lost 51:52
  • 課時167:The shortage of US dollar 11:21
  • 第 7 章 : 案例分析
  • 課時168:金融市場前沿話題_20240303_AM01 62:15
  • 課時169:金融市場前沿話題_20240303_AM02 60:28
  • 課時170:金融市場前沿話題_20240303_AM03 47:19
  • 課時171:金融市場前沿話題_20240303_PM01 55:58
  • 課時172:金融市場前沿話題_20240303_PM02 55:46
  • 課時173:金融市場前沿話題_20240303_PM03 83:09