[一級(jí)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)管理基礎(chǔ)] 老師,請(qǐng)問(wèn)這兩道題有什么區(qū)別,為什么答案不一樣呢

userld475h 發(fā)布于:2019-10-28 10:08:32 瀏覽276次   FRM FRM Part I
The board of directors plays a key role in the process of creating a strong culture of risk management at an organization. As part of this role one function that should be fulfilled by the board of directors is to: A. Monitor the effectiveness of the company's governance practices and make changes if necessary to ensure proper compliance. B. Ensure that the interests of the company's stakeholders are prioritized above its executives' interests in order to maximize the potential return on investment. C. Address issues that could potentially represent a conflict of interest by assigning committees composed exclusively of executive board members. D. Establish a policy to address individual risk factors by either reducing hedging or avoiding exposure to each risk. Answer: A


金老師 發(fā)布于2019-10-29 17:28:40
