CFA?考試二級高清網課 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學習


  • 第 1 章 : Quantitative Methods 定量分析
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 1:Introduction to Linear Regression
  • 課時1:Review 78:30
  • 課時2:Simple linear regression and parameters estimation 42:40
  • 課時3:Assumptions of the simple linear regression model 14:25
  • 課時4:Analysis of variance 39:27
  • 課時5:Hypothesis testing, prediction and Functional forms for simple linear regression 47:18
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 2:Multiple Regression
  • 課時6:Multiple linear regression 59:57
  • 課時7:Violations of regression assumptions 68:12
  • 課時8:Model specification and errors in specification 08:51
  • 課時9:Models with qualitative dependent variables 37:51
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 3:Time-series Analysis
  • 課時10:Trend models 14:44
  • 課時11:AR Time-series models 20:24
  • 課時12:Random walk and unit root 19:09
  • 課時13:ARCH 06:08
  • 課時14:Seasonality in time-series models 09:09
  • 課時15:Regression with more than one time series 16:08
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 4:Machine Learning
  • 課時16:Defining machine learning 11:40
  • 課時17:Overview of machine learning algorithms 16:56
  • 課時18:Overview of evaluating ML algorithms Performance 29:12
  • 課時19:Supervised machine learning algorithms 48:06
  • 課時20:Unupervised machine learning algorithms 33:43
  • 課時21:ANN,DLN and RL 42:25
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 5: Big Data Projects
  • 課時22:Big data introduction 06:21
  • 課時23:Steps in executing a data analysis projects 09:45
  • 課時24:Data preparation and wrangling 32:10
  • 課時25:Data exploration objectives and methods 14:50
  • 課時26:Big data projects model training 27:02
  • 第 2 章 : Economics 經濟學
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 6:Currency Exchange Rates: Understanding Equilibrium Value
  • 課時27:Foreign exchange market 45:39
  • 課時28:Triangular arbitrage 18:17
  • 課時29:Froward market 21:44
  • 課時30:Interest rate parity 18:22
  • 課時31:Purchasing power parity 18:47
  • 課時32:International fisher relation 11:42
  • 課時33:Carry trade 13:47
  • 課時34:The impact of balance of payments flows 25:13
  • 課時35:Monetary and fiscal policy 29:22
  • 課時36:Exchange rate management:intervention and control 15:46
  • 課時37:Warning Signs of A Currency Crisis 11:39
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 7: Economic Growth and the Investment Decision
  • 課時38:Factors of Economic Growth 20:15
  • 課時39:Why Potential Growth Matters to Investors 12:07
  • 課時40:Cobb–Douglas Production Function 20:54
  • 課時41:Growth Accounting Equation 06:53
  • 課時42:Natural Resources, Labor, Capital, Technology, and Public Infrastructure 27:21
  • 課時43:Growth Theory 44:18
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 8: Economics of Regulation
  • 課時44:Economics of Regulation 50:12
  • 第 3 章 : Financial Statement Analysis 財務報表分析
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 9:Intercorporate Investments
  • 課時45:Introduction 08:15
  • 課時46:Investments in Financial Assets 34:40
  • 課時47:Equity Method - Basic 30:53
  • 課時48:Equity Method - Amortization 31:27
  • 課時49:Equity Method - Impairment 09:15
  • 課時50:Equity Method - Transactions with Associates 36:57
  • 課時51:Associates - Other Methods 06:22
  • 課時52:Acquisition Method (1) 39:28
  • 課時53:Acquisition Method (2) 31:12
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 10:Employee Compensation:Post-Employment and Share-Based
  • 課時54:DB Plan - Introduction 40:12
  • 課時55:DB Plan - Periodic Pension Cost 37:24
  • 課時56:DB Plan - Calculation (1) 42:40
  • 課時57:DB Plan - Calculation (2) 21:06
  • 課時58:DB Plan - Disclosure 26:32
  • 課時59:Share-based Compensation 18:36
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 11:Multinational Operations
  • 課時60:Transaction Gains and Losses 35:03
  • 課時61:Translation Methods 33:58
  • 課時62:Current Rate Method 19:19
  • 課時63:Temporal Method 22:39
  • 課時64:Translation of Retained Earnings 09:38
  • 課時65:Highly Inflationary Economies 29:25
  • 課時66:Multinational Operations and A Company's Effective Tax Rate 06:59
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 12:Analysis of Financial Institutions
  • 課時67:Introduction 23:43
  • 課時68:Analyzing a Bank 59:44
  • 課時69:Analyzing an Insurance Company 40:38
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 13:Evaluating Financial Reporting Quality
  • 課時70:Evaluating Financial Reporting Quality 67:18
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Reading 14:Integration of FSA Techniques
  • 課時71:Integration of FSA Techniques 60:08
  • 第 7 節(jié) : Financial Statement Modeling
  • 課時72:Introduction 18:37
  • 課時73:Forecasting COGS 14:12
  • 課時74:Frecasting SGA Expense 06:07
  • 課時75:Forecasting Financial cost 12:10
  • 課時76:Forecasting Tax Expense 06:06
  • 課時77:Forecasting Balance Sheet 15:31
  • 課時78:Other topics in Financial statement modeling 23:36
  • 第 4 章 : Corporate Issuers 公司金融
  • 課時79:Introduction 10:16
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 16:Analysis of Dividends and Share Repurchase
  • 課時86:Dividends Forms and Effects 29:37
  • 課時87:Dividend Policy 30:43
  • 課時88:Payout Policies 08:49
  • 課時89:Share Repurchases 28:19
  • 課時90:Analysisi of Dividend Safety 07:02
  • 課時91:Review 09:32
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 17:Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Considerations in Investment Analysis
  • 課時92:Global Variations In Ownership Structures 28:48
  • 課時93:Evaluating Corporate Governance Policies and Procedures 07:48
  • 課時94:Identifying and Evaluating ESG-Related Risks and Opportunities 11:41
  • 課時95:Review 10:53
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Cost of Capital: Advanced Topics
  • 課時96:Cost of Capital Factors 60:49
  • 課時97:Estimating the Cost of Debt 40:45
  • 課時98:The ERP 46:53
  • 課時99:Cost of Equity 47:52
  • 課時100:International considerations 19:33
  • 課時101:Review 19:31
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Corporate Restructuring
  • 課時102:Corporate Evolution, Actions, and Motivations 49:30
  • 課時103:Evaluating Corporate Restructurings 50:33
  • 課時104:Evaluating Investment Action 27:42
  • 課時105:Evaluating Divestment and Restructuring Action 05:29
  • 課時106:Review 10:49
  • 第 5 章 : Equity Valuation 權益投資
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 20: Equity Valuation: Applications and Processes
  • 課時119:Applications of equity valuation 39:41
  • 課時120:The valuation processes 40:26
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 21:Return Concepts
  • 課時121:Return concepts 16:16
  • 課時122:Equity risk premium --Historical estimate 25:46
  • 課時123:Gordon growth model estimate 14:30
  • 課時124:Survey estimate 25:51
  • 課時125:CAPM 28:14
  • 課時126:Multifactor model and Build-up method 30:40
  • 課時127:Other consideration 17:38
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 22:Industry and Company Analysis
  • 課時128:Industry and Company Analysis 36:04
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 23:Discounted Dividend Valuation
  • 課時129:Gordon growth model 46:39
  • 課時130:H-model 17:07
  • 課時131:Three-stage growth model 12:33
  • 課時132:Sustainable growth rate 17:18
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 24:Free Cash Flow Valuation
  • 課時133:Free cash flow introduction 16:45
  • 課時134:FCFF and FCFE calculation 33:10
  • 課時135:NCC calcualation 37:06
  • 課時136:WCinv and FCinc calculation 32:02
  • 課時137:NB,preferred stock and DR 22:49
  • 課時138:Free cash flow valuation model 38:18
  • 課時139:Other consideration 12:12
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Reading 25:Market-Based Valuation
  • 課時140:P-E and PEG 36:24
  • 課時141:P-B and P-S 15:23
  • 課時142:P-CF,D-P and EV-EBITDA 38:08
  • 第 7 節(jié) : Reading 26:Residual Income Valuation
  • 課時143:Residual income and economic value added 24:43
  • 課時144:Residual income calculation 24:15
  • 課時145:Residual income models 15:00
  • 課時146:Continuing residual income 50:50
  • 課時147:Accounting issues in applying RI models 08:43
  • 第 8 節(jié) : Reading 27:Private Company Valuation
  • 課時148:Private company introduction 10:42
  • 課時149:Earnings normalization and CF estimation 23:37
  • 課時150:Private company valuation--Income approach 18:39
  • 課時151:Private company valuation--Market approach 15:36
  • 課時152:Asset-based approach,DLOC and DLOM 16:30
  • 第 6 章 : Fix Income 固定收益
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 28. The Term Structure and Interest Rate Dynamics
  • 課時153:Introduction 16:56
  • 課時154:Spot Rates and Forward Rates (1) 31:35
  • 課時155:Spot Rates and Forward Rates (2) 42:22
  • 課時156:Par Curve 15:22
  • 課時157:YTM, Spot Rates, Expected and Realized Returns 62:30
  • 課時158:Active Bond Portfolio Management 35:52
  • 課時159:The Swap Rate Curve 18:16
  • 課時160:The Swap Rate Curve(2) 22:42
  • 課時161:Theories of The Term Structure of Interest Rates 35:41
  • 課時162:Theories of The Term Structure of Interest Rates(2) 31:41
  • 課時163:Yield Curve Factor Models 56:53
  • 課時164:Developing Interest Rate Views Using Macroeconomic Variables 38:52
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 29. The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework
  • 課時165:The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework 47:16
  • 課時166:The Arbitrage-Free Valuation Framework 10:25
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 30. Valuation and Analysis: Bonds with Embedded Options
  • 課時167:Types of Embedded Options 33:31
  • 課時168:Valuation of Default-Free Embedded Option Bonds(1) 39:16
  • 課時169:Valuation of Default-Free Embedded Option Bonds(2) 31:12
  • 課時170:Valuation of Risky Embedded Option Bonds 28:20
  • 課時171:Durations of Embedded Option Bonds 39:19
  • 課時172:Durations of Embedded Option Bonds(2) 44:59
  • 課時173:Capped and Floored Floating-Rate Bonds 19:58
  • 課時174:Convertible Bonds 38:17
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 31. Credit Analysis Models
  • 課時175:Modeling Credit Risk and The Credit Valuation Adjustment 67:04
  • 課時176:Credit Scores and Credit Ratings 22:25
  • 課時177:Structural and Reduced Form Credit Models(1) 19:01
  • 課時178:Structural and Reduced Form Credit Models(2) 09:25
  • 課時179:Valuing Risky Bonds in an Arbitrage-Free Framework(1) 31:19
  • 課時180:Valuing Risky Bonds in an Arbitrage-Free Framework(2) 35:10
  • 課時181:Credit Spreads 45:44
  • 課時182:Credit Analysis for Securitized Debt 25:07
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 32. Credit Default Swaps
  • 課時183:Credit Default Swaps 30:11
  • 課時184:Basic Pricing Concepts 34:28
  • 課時185:Application of CDS 29:08
  • 第 7 章 : Derivatives 衍生品
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 33. Pricing And Valuation of Forward Commitments
  • 課時186:Pricing And Valuation of Forward And Futures(1) 38:42
  • 課時187:Pricing And Valuation of Forward And Futures(2) 52:42
  • 課時188:pricing and valuation of forward and futures(3) 35:06
  • 免費 課時189:Pricing And Valuation of Swap (1) 38:07
  • 課時190:Pricing And Valuation of Swap (2) 51:52
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 34. Valuation of Contingent Claims
  • 課時191:Valuation of Option(1) 63:10
  • 課時192:Valuation of Option(2) 42:06
  • 第 8 章 : Alternative Investments 另類投資
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 35:Real Estate Investments
  • 課時193:Introduction to Real Estate(1) 32:47
  • 課時194:Introduction to Real Estate(2) 45:22
  • 課時195:Valuation to Real Estate(1) 24:19
  • 課時196:Valuation to Real Estate(2) 29:01
  • 課時197:Valuation to Real Estate(3) 34:10
  • 課時198:Indices and Debt Ratios of Real Estate 15:08
  • 課時199:Introduction to Publicly Traded Real Estate Securities 21:18
  • 課時200:Valuation of REITs 14:49
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 36:Private Equity Investments
  • 課時201:Introduction to Private Equity Investing 38:42
  • 課時202:Valuation of Private Equity Investing (1) 21:48
  • 課時203:Valuation of Private Equity Investing (2) 21:40
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 37:Introduction to Commodities and Commodity Derivatives
  • 課時204:Commodities and Commodity Derivatives 28:01
  • 第 9 章 : Portfolio Management 投資組合
  • 課時205:Introduction of portfolio management 42:35
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 38:Exchange-Traded Funds:Mechanics and Applications
  • 課時206:ETF(1) 54:34
  • 課時207:ETF(2) 43:55
  • 課時208:ETF(3) 28:59
  • 課時209:ETF(4) 29:05
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 39:Using Multifactor Models
  • 課時210:An introduction to multifactor models(1) 30:19
  • 課時211:An introduction to multifactor models(2) 48:17
  • 課時212:An introduction to multifactor models(3) 48:40
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 40:Measuring and Managing Market Risk
  • 課時213:Measuring and Managing Market Risk(1) 46:09
  • 課時214:Measuring and Managing Market Risk(2) 45:52
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 41:Backtesting and Simulation
  • 課時215:Backtesting and Simulation 71:03
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 42:Economics and Investment Market
  • 課時216:Economics and Investment Market(1) 57:06
  • 課時217:Economics and Investment Market(2) 31:14
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Reading 43:Analysis of Active Portfolio Management
  • 課時218:Analysis of Active Portfolio Management(1) 31:59
  • 課時219:Analysis of Active Portfolio Management(2) 49:41
  • 課時220:Analysis of Active Portfolio Management(3) 52:28
  • 第 7 節(jié) : Reading 44:Trading Costs and Electronic Markets
  • 課時221:Trading Costs and Electronic Markets(1) 50:48
  • 課時222:Trading Costs and Electronic Markets(2) 38:43
  • 第 10 章 : Ethical and Professional Standards 職業(yè)倫理道德
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 45: Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
  • 課時223:Code of Ethics 14:55
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading :46:Guidance for Standards I–VII
  • 課時224:Professionalism 52:17
  • 課時225:Integrity of Capital Markets 17:01
  • 課時226:Duties to Clients 44:53
  • 課時227:Duties to Employers 29:08
  • 課時228:Investment Analysis, Recommendations, and Actions 08:32
  • 課時229:Conflicts of Interest 20:20
  • 課時230:Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA 09:49
  • 第 11 章 : CFA level 1:Ethical and Professional Standards 職業(yè)倫理道德(一級)
  • 課時231:Code of Ethics 19:03
  • 第 1 節(jié) : I: Professionalism
  • 課時232:Ⅰ(A) Knowledge of the Law 34:19
  • 課時233:Ⅰ(B) Independence and Objectivity 52:38
  • 課時234:Ⅰ(C) Misrepresentation 24:52
  • 課時235:Ⅰ(D) Misconduct 13:40
  • 第 2 節(jié) : II: Integrity of Capital Markets
  • 課時236:Ⅱ(A) Material Nonpublic Information 47:02
  • 課時237:Ⅱ(B) Market Manipulation 24:20
  • 第 3 節(jié) : III: Duties to Clients
  • 課時238:Ⅲ(A) Loyalty, Prudence, and Care 36:21
  • 課時239:Ⅲ(B) Fair Dealing 31:07
  • 課時240:Ⅲ(C) Suitability 35:21
  • 課時241:Ⅲ(D) Performance Presentation 14:53
  • 課時242:Ⅲ(E) Preservation of Confidentiality 22:47
  • 第 4 節(jié) : IV: Duties to Employers
  • 課時243:Ⅳ(A) Loyalty 26:41
  • 課時244:Ⅳ(B) Additional Compensation Arragements 15:43
  • 課時245:Ⅳ(C) Reponsibilities of Supervisors 19:26
  • 第 5 節(jié) : V: Investment Analysis, Recommendations, and Actions
  • 課時246:Ⅴ(A) Diligence and Reasonable Basis 15:27
  • 課時247:Ⅴ(B) Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients 17:44
  • 課時248:Ⅴ(C) Record Retention 10:56
  • 第 6 節(jié) : VI: Conflicts of Interest
  • 課時249:Ⅵ(A) Disclosure of Conflicts 20:22
  • 課時250:Ⅵ(B) Priority of Transactions 10:30
  • 課時251:Ⅵ(C) Referral Fees 06:08
  • 第 7 節(jié) : VII: Responsibilities as a CFA Institute Member or CFA Candidate
  • 課時252:Ⅶ(A) Conduct as Members and Candidates in the CFA Program 17:45
  • 課時253:Ⅶ(B) Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation,and the CFA Program 17:44
  • 課時254:Global Investment Performance Standards(GIPS) 48:35