CFA?考試一級(jí)高清網(wǎng)課 掃二維碼繼續(xù)學(xué)習(xí)


  • 第 1 章 : 數(shù)量方法
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Rates and Returns
  • 課時(shí)1:Introduction 05:01
  • 課時(shí)2:Interest Rates and Time Value of Money 10:34
  • 課時(shí)3:Determinants of Interest Rates 27:08
  • 課時(shí)4:Rates of return 24:21
  • 課時(shí)5:Rates of return - Examples 11:45
  • 課時(shí)6:Money-Weighted and Time-Weighted Return 21:20
  • 課時(shí)7:MWR & TWR Examples 13:48
  • 課時(shí)8:Annualized Return 25:47
  • 課時(shí)9:Other Major Return Measures and Their Applications 20:54
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Time Value of Money in Finance
  • 課時(shí)10:Time Value of Money in Fixed Income and Equity 21:14
  • 課時(shí)11:Coupon Instrument – Annuity 22:36
  • 課時(shí)12:Coupon Instrument – Perpetuity 13:07
  • 課時(shí)13:Annuity Instruments 30:29
  • 課時(shí)14:Equity Instruments and the Time Value of Money 14:30
  • 課時(shí)15:Equity Cash Flows with Constant Dividend Growth 20:39
  • 課時(shí)16:Implied Return and Growth 32:58
  • 課時(shí)17:Cash Flow Additivity 08:13
  • 課時(shí)18:Implied Forward Rates Using Cash Flow Additivity 16:43
  • 課時(shí)19:Forward Exchange Rates Using No Arbitrage 20:39
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Statistical Measures of Asset Returns
  • 課時(shí)20:Measures of Central Tendency and Location 22:39
  • 課時(shí)21:Measures of Location 28:08
  • 課時(shí)22:Measures of Dispersion 25:15
  • 課時(shí)23:Coefficient of Variation 06:50
  • 課時(shí)24:Measures of Shape of a Distribution 32:00
  • 課時(shí)25:Correlation between Two Variables 18:50
  • 課時(shí)26:Expected Value and Variance 08:14
  • 課時(shí)27:Probability Trees and Conditional Expectations 10:46
  • 課時(shí)28:Bayes' Formula and Updating Probability Estimates 27:29
  • 課時(shí)29:Bayes' Formula and Updating Probability Estimates Example 3 12:24
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Portfolio Mathematics
  • 課時(shí)30:Portfolio Expected Return and Variance of Return 15:10
  • 課時(shí)31:Forecasting Correlation of Returns- Covariance Given a Joint Probability Function 04:47
  • 課時(shí)32:Portfolio Risk Measures- Applications of the Normal Distribution 16:02
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Simulation Methods
  • 課時(shí)33:Lognormal Distribution and Continuous Compounding 23:18
  • 課時(shí)34:Monte Carlo Simulation 10:17
  • 課時(shí)35:Bootstrapping 05:01
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Estimation and Inference
  • 課時(shí)36:Normal Distribution 22:31
  • 課時(shí)37:Sampling Methods 20:36
  • 課時(shí)38:Central Limit Theorem and Inference 08:42
  • 課時(shí)39:Bootstrapping and Empirical Sampling Distributions 14:14
  • 第 7 節(jié) : Hypothesis Testing
  • 課時(shí)40:Process for Hypothesis Tests 11:25
  • 課時(shí)41:Step 1- State the hypotheses 11:16
  • 課時(shí)42:Step 2- Identify the appropriate test statistic 23:18
  • 課時(shí)43:Step 3- Specify the level of significance 09:56
  • 課時(shí)44:Step 4- State the decision rule 18:01
  • 課時(shí)45:Step 5- Collect data and calculate the test statistic 01:53
  • 課時(shí)46:Step 6- Make a decision 32:56
  • 課時(shí)47:Type I and Type II errors 15:19
  • 課時(shí)48:Test of a Single Mean 06:20
  • 課時(shí)49:Test of a single variance risk 11:16
  • 課時(shí)50:Test concerning differences between means with independent samples 08:04
  • 課時(shí)51:Test Concerning Differences between Means with Dependent Samples 04:25
  • 課時(shí)52:Test Concerning the Equality of Two Variances 05:24
  • 課時(shí)53:Parametric VS. Nonparametric Tests 06:07
  • 課時(shí)54:Tests Concerning Correlation 24:58
  • 第 8 節(jié) : Simple Linear Regression
  • 課時(shí)55:Assumptions of the Simple Linear Regression Model 23:00
  • 課時(shí)56:Hypothesis Tests in the Simple Linear Regression Model 30:15
  • 課時(shí)57:Using ANOVA Table Results to Evaluate a Simple Linear Regression 13:08
  • 課時(shí)58:Prediction in the Simple Linear Regression Model 01:15
  • 課時(shí)59:Estimation of the Simple Linear Regression Model 31:14
  • 課時(shí)60:Functional Forms for Simple Linear Regression 02:41
  • 第 9 節(jié) : Introduction to Big Data Techniques
  • 課時(shí)61:Introduction to Big Data Techniques 14:19
  • 第 2 章 : 經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)原理
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 8:Topics in Demand and Supply Analysis
  • 課時(shí)62:Introduction and Basic Concepts 07:43
  • 課時(shí)63:Demand Analysis-The Consumer 11:50
  • 課時(shí)64:Own-Price&Income Elasticity of Demand 33:37
  • 課時(shí)65:Cross Price Elasticity of Demand 07:06
  • 課時(shí)66:Utility Theory 18:18
  • 課時(shí)67:Substitution and Income Effects 19:26
  • 課時(shí)68:Normal and Inferior Goods 10:19
  • 課時(shí)69:Supply Analysis:The Firm 28:46
  • 課時(shí)70:Factors of Production 09:35
  • 課時(shí)71:The Relationship Between Production and Cost 23:09
  • 課時(shí)72:Breakeven and Shutdown Analysis 16:35
  • 課時(shí)73:Economies and Diseconomies of Scale 12:43
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 9:The Firm and Market Structures
  • 課時(shí)74:Analysis of Market Structure 12:08
  • 課時(shí)75:Perfect Competition 34:06
  • 課時(shí)76:Monopolistic Competing 18:57
  • 課時(shí)77:Oligopoly 38:06
  • 課時(shí)78:Monopoly 25:22
  • 課時(shí)79:Identification of Market Structure 12:16
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 10:Aggregate Output,Prices,and Economic Growth
  • 課時(shí)80:Gross Domestic Product&The Components of GDP 24:38
  • 課時(shí)81:National Income,Personal Income and Personal Disposable Income 14:22
  • 課時(shí)82:GDP Calculation 16:43
  • 課時(shí)83:Aggregate Demand 30:25
  • 課時(shí)84:Shifts in Aggregate Demand Curve 08:51
  • 課時(shí)85:Aggregate Supply 24:52
  • 課時(shí)86:Equilibrium GDP and Prices 33:27
  • 課時(shí)87:Economic Growth and Suatainability 18:28
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 11: Understanding Business Cycles
  • 課時(shí)88:Overview of the Business Cycle(1) 30:28
  • 課時(shí)89:Overview of the Business Cycle(2) 25:29
  • 課時(shí)90:Theories of the Business Cycle 19:26
  • 課時(shí)91:Unemployment and Inflation:Unemployment 22:15
  • 課時(shí)92:Unemployment and Inflation:Inflation 44:52
  • 課時(shí)93:Economic Indicators 15:23
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 12: Monetary and Fiscal Policy
  • 課時(shí)94:Introduction 07:36
  • 課時(shí)95:Monetary Policy:Money 40:21
  • 課時(shí)96:Central Banks & The Objectives of Monetary Policy 29:00
  • 課時(shí)97:Contractionary and Expansionary Monetary Policies 05:40
  • 課時(shí)98:Limitation of Monetary Policy 05:41
  • 課時(shí)99:Fiscal Policy 33:45
  • 課時(shí)100:The Relationship between Monetary and Fiscal Policy 05:13
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Reading 13: International Trade and Capital Flows
  • 課時(shí)101:Introduction&Basic Terminology of International Trade 04:59
  • 課時(shí)102:International Trade 27:19
  • 課時(shí)103:Tariffs,Quotas and Export Subsidies 24:13
  • 課時(shí)104:Trading Blocs,Common Markets,and Economic Unions 07:43
  • 課時(shí)105:Capital Restrictions 05:21
  • 課時(shí)106:The Balance of Payments 13:15
  • 課時(shí)107:Trade Organizations 06:00
  • 第 7 節(jié) : Reading 14: Currency Exchange Rate
  • 課時(shí)108:Introduction&The Foreign Exchange Market 03:25
  • 課時(shí)109:Exchange Rate Quotations 07:14
  • 課時(shí)110:Cross-Rate Calculations 09:19
  • 課時(shí)111:Forward Calculations 29:40
  • 課時(shí)112:Nominal and Real Exchange Rate 07:01
  • 課時(shí)113:Exchange Rate Regimes 10:28
  • 課時(shí)114:Exchange Rate,International Trade,and Capital Flows 17:37
  • 第 8 節(jié) : Geopolitics
  • 課時(shí)115:Geopolitics(1) 48:35
  • 課時(shí)116:Geopolitics(2) 54:11
  • 課時(shí)117:Geopolitics(3) 24:00
  • 第 3 章 : 財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表分析
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 15: Financial Statement Analysis: An Introduction
  • 免費(fèi) 課時(shí)118:Introduction 12:54
  • 課時(shí)119:Major Financial Statements and other Information sources 38:43
  • 課時(shí)120:Financial Statement Analysis Framework and Review 03:33
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 16:Financial Reporting Standards
  • 課時(shí)121:Standard-Setting bodies and Covergence of Global Standards 09:37
  • 課時(shí)122:The International Financial Reporting Standards Framework 39:42
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 17: Understanding Income Statement
  • 課時(shí)123:Components and Format of the Income Statement 40:10
  • 課時(shí)124:Revenue Recognition 07:35
  • 課時(shí)125:Expense Recognition,Non-recurring Items and Non-operating Items 12:02
  • 課時(shí)126:Earning Per Share 31:35
  • 課時(shí)127:Basic EPS and Diluted EPS 43:45
  • 課時(shí)128:Comprehensive Income and Topic Reiew 09:53
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 18: Understanding Balance Sheet
  • 課時(shí)129:Components and Format of the Balance Sheet 11:36
  • 課時(shí)130:Current and Non-Current Asstes 34:22
  • 課時(shí)131:Current and Non-Current Liabilities 10:46
  • 課時(shí)132:Equity 25:35
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 19: Understanding Cash Flow Statement
  • 課時(shí)133:Introduction and Types of Cash Flows 18:01
  • 課時(shí)134:US GAAP vs IFRS And CFO Calculation 55:06
  • 課時(shí)135:CFI and CFF Calculation 21:01
  • 課時(shí)136:Cash Flow Statement Analysis amd Free Cash Flow Calculation 19:24
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Reading 20:Financial Analysis Techniques
  • 課時(shí)137:Common Ratios Used in Financial Analysis 52:13
  • 課時(shí)138:Integrated Financial Ratio Analysis and Equity Analysis 25:42
  • 課時(shí)139:Credit Analysis, Model Building and Forecasting 08:50
  • 第 7 節(jié) : Reading 21: Inventories
  • 課時(shí)140:Cost of Inventories and Inventory Valuation Methods 19:16
  • 課時(shí)141:Periodic versus Perpetual Inventory Systems,& Comparison of Inventory Valuation Methods 35:51
  • 課時(shí)142:The LIFO Method 26:16
  • 課時(shí)143:Inventory Adjustments and Evaluation of Inventory Management 21:11
  • 第 8 節(jié) : Reading 22: Long-Lived Assets
  • 課時(shí)144:Acquisition of Long-Lived Assets-PP&E 21:50
  • 課時(shí)145:Acquisition of Long-Lived Assets-Intangible Asset 18:42
  • 課時(shí)146:Depreciation and Amortization of Long-Lived Assets 36:43
  • 課時(shí)147:The Revaluation Model 16:31
  • 課時(shí)148:Impairment of Assets 19:10
  • 課時(shí)149:Investment Property 10:55
  • 課時(shí)150:Derecongnition and Analyzing of Long-Lived Assets 12:01
  • 第 9 節(jié) : Reading 23: Income Taxes
  • 課時(shí)151:Differences Between Accounting Profit and Taxable Income 40:28
  • 課時(shí)152:Determining the Tax Base of Assets and Liabilities:An Example 26:50
  • 課時(shí)153:Temporary and Permanent Difference Between Taxable and Accounting Profit 35:44
  • 第 10 節(jié) : Reading 24: Non-Current (Long-Term) Liabilities
  • 課時(shí)154:Accounting for Bond Amortization-Part One 55:51
  • 課時(shí)155:Accounting for Bond Amortization-Part Two 40:25
  • 課時(shí)156:Fair Value Reporting Option, Derecognition,and Debt Covenants 19:18
  • 課時(shí)157:Leases 58:58
  • 課時(shí)158:Pension and Other Post-Employment Benefits 25:34
  • 第 11 節(jié) : Reading 25: Financial Reporting Quality
  • 課時(shí)159:Conceptual Overview and Context for Financial Reporting Quality 31:49
  • 課時(shí)160:Detection of Financial Reporting Quality Issues 33:39
  • 第 12 節(jié) : Reading 26:Financial Statement Analysis: Applications
  • 課時(shí)161:Evaluating Past Financial Performance and Projecting Future Financial Performance 16:36
  • 課時(shí)162:Assessing Credit Risk and Screening for Potential Equity Investments 09:05
  • 課時(shí)163:Analyst Adjustments to Reported Financials 19:11
  • 第 4 章 : 公司金融
  • 課時(shí)164:Introduction 29:34
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Organizational Forms, Corporate Issuer Features, and Ownership
  • 課時(shí)165:Business Structures 60:54
  • 課時(shí)166:Public and Private Corporations 32:14
  • 課時(shí)167:Review 05:44
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Investors and Other Stakeholders
  • 課時(shí)168:Financial Claims of Lenders and Shareholders 19:28
  • 課時(shí)169:Corporate Stakeholders and Governance 45:52
  • 課時(shí)170:Corporate ESG Considerations 28:33
  • 課時(shí)171:Review 07:56
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Corporate Governance: Conflicts, Mechanisms, Risks, and Benefits
  • 課時(shí)172:Stakeholder Conflicts 32:51
  • 課時(shí)173:Corporate Governance Mechanisms 59:57
  • 課時(shí)174:Corporate Governance Risks and Benefits 12:29
  • 課時(shí)175:Review 17:16
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Working Capital and Liquidity
  • 課時(shí)176:Corporate Financing Options 52:29
  • 課時(shí)177:Managing and Measuring Liquidity 66:15
  • 課時(shí)178:Evaluating Short-Term Financing Choices 07:26
  • 課時(shí)179:Review 16:04
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Capital Investments and Capital Allocation
  • 課時(shí)180:Types of Capital Investments 52:05
  • 課時(shí)181:Investment Decision Criteria 72:25
  • 課時(shí)182:Real Option 13:35
  • 課時(shí)183:Common Capital Allocation Pitfalls 08:18
  • 課時(shí)184:Review 08:17
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Capital Structure
  • 課時(shí)185:The Cost of Capital 47:57
  • 課時(shí)186:Factors Affecting Capital Structure 60:48
  • 課時(shí)187:Modigliani-Miller Capital Structure Propositions 43:35
  • 課時(shí)188:MM-Propositions II and Cost of Financial Distress 28:28
  • 課時(shí)189:Optimal Capital Structure 30:35
  • 課時(shí)190:Review 06:36
  • 第 7 節(jié) : Business Model
  • 課時(shí)191:Defining the Business Model 69:00
  • 課時(shí)192:Business Model Types 13:42
  • 課時(shí)193:Review 03:13
  • 第 5 章 : 權(quán)益投資
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 33:Market organization and strucutre
  • 課時(shí)194:The functions of the financial system 28:11
  • 課時(shí)195:Assets and contracts 39:21
  • 課時(shí)196:Financial intermediaries 37:08
  • 課時(shí)197:Primary security market 16:44
  • 課時(shí)198:Secondary security market 20:25
  • 課時(shí)199:Positions 31:40
  • 課時(shí)200:orders 33:49
  • 課時(shí)201:Well-Functioning financial systems and market regulation 10:24
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 34: Security market indices
  • 課時(shí)202:Security market indices(1) 54:36
  • 課時(shí)203:Security market indices(2) 21:24
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 35: Market efficiency
  • 課時(shí)204:The concept and forms of market efficiency 33:02
  • 課時(shí)205:Market pricing anomalies and behavioral finance 37:14
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 36: Overview of Equity Securities
  • 課時(shí)206:Overview of Equity Securities(1) 27:26
  • 課時(shí)207:Overview of Equity Securities(2) 24:27
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 37:Introduction to industry and company
  • 課時(shí)208:Industry classification 31:30
  • 課時(shí)209:Industry and company analysis 30:50
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Reading 38:Equity valuation:concepts and basic tools
  • 課時(shí)210:The dividend discount model 56:21
  • 課時(shí)211:Multiplier models 33:06
  • 第 6 章 : 固定收益
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 39-40:Fixed-Income Securities and Markets
  • 課時(shí)212:Basic features of a bon 67:13
  • 課時(shí)213:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(1) 26:26
  • 課時(shí)214:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(2) 31:05
  • 課時(shí)215:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(3) 40:24
  • 課時(shí)216:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(4) 24:31
  • 課時(shí)217:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(5) 31:50
  • 課時(shí)218:Classification of Fixed-Income Market(6) 30:22
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 41:Introduction to Fixed-Income Valuation
  • 課時(shí)219:YTM(1) 46:03
  • 課時(shí)220:YTM(2) 30:24
  • 課時(shí)221:spot rate and matrix pricing 23:12
  • 課時(shí)222:Full price, Flat price and Accrued interest 24:16
  • 課時(shí)223:Yield 32:31
  • 課時(shí)224:Yield curve and yield spread 18:34
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 42:Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities
  • 課時(shí)225:Securitization and Residential Mortgage Loans 30:20
  • 課時(shí)226:Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) 58:36
  • 課時(shí)227:Non-Mortgage ABS and CDO 18:11
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 43:Understanding Fixed-Income Risk and Return
  • 課時(shí)228:Five Important Conclusions and Its Verification 33:11
  • 課時(shí)229:Duration -0313 70:06
  • 課時(shí)230:Convexity,Duration and Investment Horizon 29:00
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 44:Fundamentals of Credit Analysis
  • 課時(shí)231:Fundamentals of Credit Analysis(1) 35:03
  • 課時(shí)232:Fundamentals of Credit Analysis(2) 36:28
  • 課時(shí)233:補(bǔ)充內(nèi)容 62:11
  • 第 7 章 : 金融衍生品
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 45:Derivative Markets and Instruments
  • 課時(shí)234:Product(1) 47:43
  • 課時(shí)235:Product(2) 03:31
  • 課時(shí)236:Forward 19:58
  • 課時(shí)237:Future 38:08
  • 課時(shí)238:Swap 17:24
  • 課時(shí)239:Option 31:37
  • 課時(shí)240:CDS 06:13
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 46:Basics of Derivative Pricing and Valuation
  • 課時(shí)241:Forward and Futures(1) 52:06
  • 課時(shí)242:Forward and Futures(2) 12:56
  • 課時(shí)243:FRA(1) 22:38
  • 課時(shí)244:FRA(2) 05:41
  • 課時(shí)245:Swap 22:29
  • 課時(shí)246:Option(1) 45:07
  • 課時(shí)247:Option(2) 21:58
  • 課時(shí)248:Option Position 08:22
  • 第 8 章 : 另類投資
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 47:Introduction to Altemative Investments
  • 課時(shí)249:Introduction 08:00
  • 課時(shí)250:Investment Methods 25:43
  • 課時(shí)251:Investment and Compensation Structures 31:33
  • 課時(shí)252:Hedge Funds (1) 25:09
  • 課時(shí)253:Hedge Funds (2) 20:44
  • 課時(shí)254:Hedge Funds (3) 30:10
  • 課時(shí)255:Private Capital 36:47
  • 課時(shí)256:Natural Resources 24:18
  • 課時(shí)257:Real Estate 18:09
  • 課時(shí)258:Infrastructure 06:50
  • 課時(shí)259:Issues in Performance Appraisal 14:53
  • 課時(shí)260:Introduction to Digital Assets 65:34
  • 第 9 章 : 投資組合管理
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 48 Portfolio Management: An Overview
  • 課時(shí)261:Portfolio Perspective 23:20
  • 課時(shí)262:Portfolio Management:Three Steps 16:54
  • 課時(shí)263:Investment Clients 25:09
  • 課時(shí)264:Pooled Investment 33:38
  • 課時(shí)265:The asset management industry 19:40
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 49 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part 1
  • 課時(shí)266:Investment Characteristics of Assets-Return 73:23
  • 課時(shí)267:Investment Characteristics of Assets-Risk 16:43
  • 課時(shí)268:Portfolio Risk-for two assets 20:45
  • 課時(shí)269:Portfolio Risk-for many risky assets 26:38
  • 課時(shí)270:Efficient frontier 22:04
  • 課時(shí)271:The concept of risk aversion 14:04
  • 課時(shí)272:Utility theory and indifference curves 49:25
  • 課時(shí)273:Application of utility theory to portfolio selection 23:43
  • 課時(shí)274:Application of utility theory to portfolio selection(2) 28:08
  • 課時(shí)275:Two-Fund Separation Theorem 14:19
  • 課時(shí)276:Summary 15:38
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 50 Portfolio Risk and Return: Part 2
  • 課時(shí)277:CAL 16:12
  • 課時(shí)278:Capital Market Theory 47:30
  • 課時(shí)279:Systematic Risk and Nonsystematic Risk 14:26
  • 課時(shí)280:Return-Generating Models 21:09
  • 課時(shí)281:Capital asset pricing model 61:21
  • 課時(shí)282:SML VS. CML 15:26
  • 課時(shí)283:Limitations of the CAPM 10:14
  • 課時(shí)284:Portfolio Performance Evaluation 32:01
  • 課時(shí)285:Summary 15:33
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 51 Basic of Portfolio Planning and Construction
  • 課時(shí)286:Portfolio Planning 36:20
  • 課時(shí)287:Portfolio Construction 20:04
  • 第 5 節(jié) : Reading 52 The Behavioral Biases of Individuals
  • 課時(shí)288:Introduction 19:53
  • 課時(shí)289:Belief perseverance biases 52:36
  • 課時(shí)290:Processing errors 46:54
  • 課時(shí)291:Emotional biases 49:37
  • 課時(shí)292:How behavioral finance influences market behavior 30:15
  • 第 6 節(jié) : Reading 53 Risk Management: An Introduction
  • 課時(shí)293:The Risk Management Process 11:40
  • 課時(shí)294:Risk management framework 17:21
  • 課時(shí)295:Identification of Risks 11:18
  • 課時(shí)296:Measuring and Modifying Risks 18:45
  • 課時(shí)297:Measuring and Modifying Risks(2) 04:09
  • 第 10 章 : 職業(yè)倫理道德
  • 第 1 節(jié) : Reading 56:Ethical and Trust in the Investment Profession
  • 課時(shí)298:課程概覽 79:12
  • 第 2 節(jié) : Reading 57:Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct
  • 課時(shí)299:Code of Ethics (1) 12:29
  • 課時(shí)300:Code of Ethics (2) 14:54
  • 第 3 節(jié) : Reading 58:Guidance for Standards I-VII
  • 課時(shí)301:Introduction 27:45
  • 課時(shí)302:I(A) Knowledge of the law-20191105 52:58
  • 課時(shí)303:I(B) Independence and objectivity-20191105 60:25
  • 課時(shí)304:I(C) Misrepresentation 47:45
  • 課時(shí)305:I(D) Misconduct 30:05
  • 課時(shí)306:II(A) Material nonpublic information 56:40
  • 課時(shí)307:II(B) Market manipulation 24:19
  • 課時(shí)308:III(A) Loyalty, prudence, and care 42:46
  • 課時(shí)309:III(B) Fair dealing 40:20
  • 課時(shí)310:Ⅲ(C)Suitability 41:53
  • 課時(shí)311:Ⅲ(D)Performance Presentation 21:37
  • 課時(shí)312:Ⅲ(E)Preservation of Confidentiality 22:56
  • 課時(shí)313:Ⅳ(A)Loyalty 32:19
  • 課時(shí)314:Ⅳ(B)Additional Compensation Arrangement 13:45
  • 課時(shí)315:Ⅳ(C)Responsibilities of Supervisors 28:24
  • 課時(shí)316:Ⅴ(A)Diligence and Reasonable Basis 21:00
  • 課時(shí)317:Ⅴ(B)Communication with Clients and Prospective Clients 19:08
  • 課時(shí)318:Ⅴ(C)Record Retention 11:38
  • 課時(shí)319:VI(A) Disclosure of Conflicts 32:02
  • 課時(shí)320:VI(B) Priority of Transactions 14:47
  • 課時(shí)321:VI(C) Referral Fees 10:45
  • 課時(shí)322:VII(A) Conduct as Participants in CFA Institute Programs 13:27
  • 課時(shí)323:VII(B) Reference to CFA Institute, the CFA Designation, and the CFA Program 21:39
  • 第 4 節(jié) : Reading 59:Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)
  • 課時(shí)324:Global Investment Performance Standards(GIPS) 67:06