
       一、Market Risk Measurement and Management


       占比20%。受二級新增學科Liquidity and Treasury Risk的影響,市場風險在2020年FRM®二級考試中的占比由原來的25%下降至20%。



       Statistical Correlation Models—Can We Apply Them to Finance?

       •Evaluate the limitations of financial modeling with respect to the model itself,calibration of the model,and the model’s output.

       •Assess the Pearson correlation approach,Spearman’s rank correlation,and Kendall’sτ,and evaluate their limitations and usefulness in finance.

       這個章節(jié)首先介紹的是金融模型的缺點,從而引出correlation在實務中并不是常數(shù),會隨著市場的波動而變化。接著介紹了衡量correlation的三種方法,Pearson correlation,Spearman’s rank correlation,and Kendall’sτ,對比了三種方法的優(yōu)缺點。


       協(xié)會對參考書目進行了版本更新,原Gunter Meissner寫的Correlation Risk Modeling and Management是2014年版的,現(xiàn)在更新為2019年版。參考書目的變化沒有影響到相關章節(jié)的考點。


       有兩個章節(jié)移到了Market risk,考點均沒有發(fā)生變化:

       ?Parametric Approaches(III):Extreme Value

       這個章節(jié)是比較重要的考點。早年就屬于Market risk,后來協(xié)會將內(nèi)容調(diào)整到了Operational Risk,今年又移回來了,所以沒有實質(zhì)性變化。

       ?Fundamental Review of the Trading Book

       這個章節(jié)原本歸在Basel Accord,屬于了解性的內(nèi)容。


       總體來看,Market Risk的考綱變化不大。除了受新增學科的影響,考試占比略有下降,內(nèi)容上依然是干貨滿滿,沒有“縮水”。

       刪除了一個關于Correlation Models的考點,這個考點偏定性,不難,容易考方法之間的對比。刪除后節(jié)省了大家的學習時間,是一處利好。參考書目的版本更新是協(xié)會的常規(guī)操作,影響不大,涉及的考點沒有變化。學科之間的內(nèi)容調(diào)整對于學員備考二級沒有影響。

       二、Credit Risk Measurement and Management





       1.Developing,Validating and Using Internal Ratings

       這部分內(nèi)容對應章節(jié):Chapter 2.Classifications and Key Concepts of Credit Risk中。

       2.The xVA Challenge:Counterparty Credit Risk,Funding,Collateral,and Capital

這部分內(nèi)容對應章節(jié):Chapter 12.Default Probabilities,Credit Spreads,Funding Costs


       將1級Valuation and risk models中Chapter 5.Capital Structure in Banks的部分內(nèi)容移入2級Credit risk中。

       對應的參考書為:Risk Management and Value Creation in Financial Institutions


       整體來看,Credit risk的考綱變化不大,幾個小的調(diào)整也不是傳統(tǒng)的考試重點。刪除的內(nèi)容也不是之前難點、重點,因此雖然刪除了2個部分,但從考試來講,實際的影響不大。今年從FRM®一級有新調(diào)入的內(nèi)容,但涉及篇幅不多,內(nèi)容也較為簡單,因為對這門課的影響也不大。整體來看,Credit risk這門學科的難點、重點依然沒變。

       三、Operational Risk and Resiliency


       占比20%。受二級新增學科Liquidity and Treasury Risk的影響,操作風險在2020年考試中的占比由原來的25%下降至20%。



       Chapter 2:Risk Culture

       •Compare risk culture and corporate culture and explain how they interact.

       •Explain factors that influence a firm’s corporate culture and its risk culture.

       •Describe methods by which corporate culture and risk culture can be measured.

       •Describe characteristics of a strong risk culture and challenges to the implementation of an e?ective risk culture.

       •Assess the relationship between risk culture and business performance.


       Chapter 8:The Cyber-Resilient Organization

       •Describe elements of an e?ective cyber-resilience framework and explain ways that an organization can become more cyber-resilient.

       •Explain resilient security approaches that can be used to increase a firm’s cyber resilience and describe challenges to their implementation.

       •Explain methods that can be used to assess the financial impact of a potential cyber attack and explain ways to increase a firm’s financial resilience.

       •Define cyber-resilience and compare recent regulatory initiatives in the area of cyber-resilience.

       •Describe current practices by banks and supervisors in the governance of a cyber risk management framework,including roles and responsibilities.

       •Explain methods for supervising cyber-resilience,testing and incident response approaches and cyber security and resilience metrics.

       •Explain and assess current practices for the sharing of cyber security information between di?erent types of institutions.

       •Describe practices for the governance of risks of interconnected third-party service providers.


       “Building the UK financial sector’s operational resilience”

       •Describe operational resilience and describe threats and challenges to the operational resilience of a financial institution.

       •Explain recommended principles,including tools and metrics,for maintaining strong operational resilience at financial institutions.

       •Describe potential consequences of business disruptions,including potential systemic risk impacts.

       •Define impact tolerance;explain best practices and potential benefits for establishing the impact tolerance for a firm or a business process.

       “Striving for Operational Resilience:The Questions Boards and Senior Management Should Ask,”Oliver Wyman,2019.

       •Compare operational resilience to traditional business continuity and disaster recovery approaches.

       •Describe elements of an e?ective operational resilience framework and its potential benefits.



       有五個原本屬于Operational Risk的章節(jié)移到了Market risk和Liquidity Risk:

       ?Chapter 7.Parametric Approaches(III):Extreme Value

       ?Chapter 12.Repurchase Agreements and Financing

       ?Chapter 12.Liquidity and Leverage

       ?Darrell Dufe,“The Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks.”

       ?Chapter 18.Fundamental Review of the Trading Book

       •有原本屬于一級Foundations of Risk Management的章節(jié)移動到了Operational Risk:

       ?Chapter 4.What is ERM?



       還將原本屬于一級風險管理基礎的ERM移到了二級操作風險中。操作風險的學科名從Operational and Integrated Risk Management變成了Operational Risk and Resiliency,新增的操作彈性可以看成是這門學科的新重點。



       四、Liquidity and Treasury Risk Measurement and Management


       占比15%。作為二級新增的一門學科,Liquidity and Treasury Risk落在了考試占比的第二梯隊,僅次于二級的“三座大山”--市場風險、信用風險和操作風險。


       作為一門全新的學科,我們可以通過協(xié)會公布的Study guide瀏覽這門學科的大致內(nèi)容??偣卜譃?個section,對應協(xié)會原版書第44-60章,分別為:

       •Liquidity risk principles and metrics

       •Liquidity portfolio management

       •Cash-flow modeling,liquidity stress testing and reporting

       •Contingency funding plan

       •Funding models

       •Funds transfer pricing

       •Cross-currency funding

       •Balance sheet management

       •Asset liquidity







       有3個章節(jié)是從Operational Risk移到了這門學科,包括:

       Repurchase Agreements and Financing

       Liquidity and Leverage

       The Failure Mechanics of Dealer Banks

       有1個章節(jié)是從Investment Risk移到了這門學科:Illiquid Assets。



       這門學科的核心知識點為:計量與管理流動性風險。但實際上這門學科涉及的知識點廣度很大,例如涉及到很多產(chǎn)品,衍生品、外匯、回購等,也涉及一些其他科學的內(nèi)容,如資產(chǎn)負債管理、巴薩爾協(xié)議、信用風險中的Counterparty risk等等。

       整體來看,這門學科涉及的知識點廣而雜,但都圍繞著核心Liquidity risk。從考察方式上看,多為定性概念類的知識,需要計算的知識點不多、且需要計算的知識點難度也不大。

       作為新增學科,Liquidity and Treasury Risk的考試比重與Investment risk旗鼓相當,說明GARP協(xié)會對這門學科,或者說對實務中的流動性和資金風險高度重視。


       五、Risk Management and Investment Management





       Chapter 17.Risk Monitoring and Performance Measurement當中,原來的知識點“Explain the importance of liquidity considerations for a portfolio”改為“Describe Liquidity Duration Statistic and how it can be used to measure liquidity”。



       Chapter 13.Illiquid Assets

       •Evaluate the characteristics of illiquid markets.

       •Examine the relationship between market imperfections and illiquidity.

       •Assess the impact of biases on reported returns for illiquid assets.

       •Describe the unsmoothing of returns and its properties.

       •Compare illiquidity risk premiums across and within asset categories.

       •Evaluate portfolio choice decisions on the inclusion of illiquid assets.

       該章下總共六個知識點全部從該學科中刪除,不過移到了新增學科Liquidity and Treasury Risk之中??键c本身沒有變化。



       六、Basel Accords



       但今年受二級新增學科Liquidity and Treasury Risk的影響,操作風險整體在2020年考試中的占比由原來的25%下降至20%,因此我們理解巴塞爾協(xié)議的比重也應相應下降。






       1、之前巴塞爾協(xié)議的主體內(nèi)容參考的是JOHN HULL和巴塞爾協(xié)議原文,現(xiàn)換成GARP風險研究所的論文。



       原本屬于Basel Accords的Chapter 18.Fundamental Review of the Trading Book章節(jié)移到了Market risk,考點沒有發(fā)生變化。


       總的來說,Basel Accords的考綱變化不大,改動主要以刪除為主,另外受新增學科的影響,考試占比略有下降。

       具體來說,反洗錢和恐怖融資考點還保留但原來的四個LOS刪掉了三個、多德-弗蘭克法案刪除、Fundamental Review of the Trading Book調(diào)整學科位置,此三項調(diào)整絕對是利好,節(jié)省了大家的學習時間。


       七、Current Issues





       Cyber Risk,Market Failures,and Financial Stability

       On the Fintech Revolution:Interpreting the Forces of Innovation,Disruption and Transformation in Financial Services

       Central clearing and risk transformation

       What is SOFR

       The Impact of Blockchain Technology on Finance:A Catalyst for Change

       這篇文章講解了Risk manager在分析、應用區(qū)塊鏈技術時需要考慮問題。本章還詳細講解了區(qū)塊鏈技術在金融領域應用時,相關監(jiān)管政策的改變。

       FinTech and market structure in financial services:Market developments and potential financial stability implications


       Fintech credit markets around the world:size,drivers and policy issues

       這篇文章講解了推動Fintech credit市場發(fā)展的動力。Fintech credit markets對金融市場穩(wěn)定的應用,以及對Fintech credit相應地監(jiān)管措施。

       Sound Practices:Implications of fintech developments for banks and bank supervisors


       The Rise of Digital Money


       Climate Change and Financial Risk


       Beyond LIBOR:a primer on the new benchmark rates



       今年Current issues從去年的7篇文章增加到了今年的10篇文章。去年的7篇文章里,只保留2篇與人工智能相關的文章,以及1篇大數(shù)據(jù)的文章。



