ACCA F7考官報(bào)告2015.12

Candidate can’t interpret ration questions, explains the F7 examiner. They are also stating the obvious without offering any real interpretation or analysis and this “won’t wash”.

The examiner stressed that an appropriate level of referenced working are essential to allow markers to understand how answers have been arrived at.

Q1: Calculation of consolidated goodwill and preparation of a consolidated statement of profit and loss and other comprehensive income.

Q2: Assessing relevant performance for acquisitions. How to make acquisition decisions.

Q3: Preparation of financial statement for a single entity, with adjustments.

溫馨提示:2016年新考季,澤稷網(wǎng)校ACCA名師為大家準(zhǔn)備了2016 ACCA學(xué)習(xí)資料大禮包(內(nèi)含ACCA歷年真題、考官文章、考官報(bào)告、備考寶典等實(shí)用學(xué)習(xí)資料),關(guān)注微信公眾號(hào):ACCA考友論壇(ID:ACCA-CHN)即可領(lǐng)取: