2016年03月ACCA P2 考生注意事項

As for March 2016 P2 exam session is coming, I would give some advice for you as you aregoing to take the exam in March:

(1)  please make sure you practice the consolidation past year questions, particularly, Consolidated Statement of Financial Statement with complex group, step acquisition, disposal.

(2)  Foreign subsidiary just tested in last exam, high chance will not be tested this March.

(3)  However, besides Consolidated Statement of Financial Statement, it could be Statement of Comprehensive income or Statement of Cashflow.

(4)  For accounting standards, it is important to read all standards on non current assets, financial instruments, provisions, revenue, share based payment, in fact it's difficult to predict which standards, so read and practice past exam paper as many as you can.

(5)  Ethics is very important,it is tested almost each P2 exam sit.

In order to pass this paper

you should study everyday from morning till night.

Practice makes perfect, wish all of you pass your exam soon and make your own success!

溫馨提示:2016年新考季,澤稷網(wǎng)校ACCA名師為大家準備了2016 ACCA學習資料大禮包(內(nèi)含ACCA歷年真題、考官文章、考官報告、備考寶典等實用學習資料),關注微信公眾號:ACCA考友論壇(ID:ACCA-CHN)即可領?。?/p>