by ACCA student blogger–Shahroze Naeem

Last December,I sat Papers F8,F9,P1 and P2 of the ACCA Qualification.Everything went well and I even managed to pass all four of them in one go.However,my marks were not up to my expectations.

After the exams are finished,students are asked to complete an exam feedback survey by ACCA.I took it as my responsibility to be honest and provide detailed feedback about my exam centre to my professional accounting body.

I realised that besides your studies and your tuition provider,the exam centre can also equally influence your exam success.

Psychological pressure

There can be lots of noise just before the start of the exam or even during it and if staff are not able to control the students in the hall,then this noise might have a psychological impact on your concentration and force you to make mistakes on the answer booklet.

Being confident is the key

The table allocated to me when I sat Paper F9 was very shaky as it had a screw missing from one of the legs.This significantly impacted my writing style and speed.Considering this a serious issue,I quickly called the invigilator who was kind enough to arrange for a new desk just in time.

There are many students who are not confident enough to ask for assistance and suffer at the hands of a broken desk or a wobbling chair.The key is not to compromise on the conditions provided to you by your exam centre,or else you might even fail your exam.

What can students do?

After each exam session,when you receive your exam feedback survey email,fill it in.It’s our responsibility to let ACCA know of any problems we may have faced during the exams.

If you think your exam centre needs to be changed then say,as ACCA even asks for recommendations for possible exam centres you might think would be convenient for students.

Best of luck to everyone sitting for the June examinations.

