在F9的考試中,section A的考點(diǎn)覆蓋了正本書的內(nèi)容,因此,考生應(yīng)該全面地復(fù)習(xí)和掌握F9中相關(guān)的知識(shí)點(diǎn)。但是關(guān)于section B和section C的考點(diǎn),則相對(duì)有規(guī)律可循。正如大家所了解的一樣,section B由三道選擇題構(gòu)成,section C由兩道大題構(gòu)成,因此,這五道題目分別來自課本中的Part C,Part D,Part E,Part F,Part G.


Part C Working capital management


1.receivables management(early settlement discount&factoring)

2.inventories management(EOQ)

3.payable management

4.cash management(Baumol model&Miller-Orr model)

5.the cash operating cycle and related ratios


2013.12 Q3(考點(diǎn):inventory management&early settlement discount&invoice discounting&factoring)

2014.6 Q2(考點(diǎn):1/working capital cycle 2/quick ratio&sales to net working capital 3/current asset&liabilities&working capital financing policy)

2014.12.Q1(考點(diǎn):cash management/cash surplus)

2015.12.Q3(考點(diǎn):early settlement discount/risk of foreign account receivables)

預(yù)測(cè):在2017年3月份的考試中,本章已經(jīng)在section C中以一道大題的形式考查過cash operating cycle and related ratios,relevant techniques in managing accounts receivables).所以大膽做出預(yù)測(cè):在今年6月份的考試中,這一部分的內(nèi)容應(yīng)該會(huì)以section B的形式考查,并且重點(diǎn)關(guān)注trade receivables management(the calculation of early settlement discount&invoice discounting&factoring)or inventory management.

Part D Investment appraisal


1.NPV&IRR(inflation&taxation&relevant cash flow)

2.Lease or buy

3.Payback period&ROCE

4.Capital rationing

5.Risk and uncertainty in investment appraisal(Sensitivity analysis&profitability analysis)


2015.6 Q5(考點(diǎn):NPV(inflation and taxation)&sensitivity analysis and risk)

2015.12.Q5(考點(diǎn):asset replacement&capital rationing)

2016.09 Section B-3(考點(diǎn):payback period&ROCE)

預(yù)測(cè):在去年12月份,本章考查的是payback period and ROCE,在今年3月份考查的是NPV(inflation and taxation)&sensitivity analysis and risk,所以,大膽做出預(yù)測(cè):在今6月的考試中,大家應(yīng)該把重點(diǎn)放在asset replacement and capital rationing的練習(xí)中;

Part E Business finance


1.計(jì)算cost of debt/cost of equity(CAPM model&Dividend growth model)

2.CAPM model(systematic risk and unsystematic risk)

3.計(jì)算cost of capital by using WACC/project-specific cost of equity

4.Discuss the factors to be considered when chose sources of finance

5.不同融資方式的特點(diǎn),such as Islamic finance/right issues/issue traded bonds/venture capital/leasing and so on)

6.Capital structure theories/the change of capital structure on the cost of capital and business valuation)


2016.06 Q4(考點(diǎn):1/計(jì)算the cost of capital by using WACC 2/討論source of finance與creditor hierarchy之間的關(guān)系3/討論the difference between Islamic finance and other conventional finance).

2014.06 Q3(考點(diǎn):1/WACC&cost of equity 2/systematic and unsystematic risk in relation to portfolio theory and CAPM 3/market efficiency)

2013.06 Q4(考點(diǎn):Discuss the factors to be considered when chose sources of finance/The effect on EPS of raising finance by a stock market listing/The effect on EPS and interest cover of issuing new debt.)

2013.12 Q2(考點(diǎn):1/cost of equity(dividend growth model)2/the cost of capital by using WACC 3/project-specific cost of equity 4/discuss whether the change of capital structure can lead to a reduction in cost of capital and an increase in company valuation)

預(yù)測(cè):在2017年3月的考試中,這一章節(jié)的內(nèi)容是以section C的大題的形式考查的;重點(diǎn)考查的內(nèi)容有:Calculate cost of capital by using CAPM and project-specific cost of equity,and discuss the factors to be considered when choosing source of finance;

因此,預(yù)測(cè)這一章的內(nèi)容在2017年6月的考試中,可能會(huì)在section A or section B中出現(xiàn),重點(diǎn)關(guān)注:不同融資方式的特點(diǎn),及the calculation of cost of debt and cost of equity.

Part F Business valuation


1.MV of equity(dividend growth model/net asset method/earning yield method)

2.MV of debt

3.Market efficiency


2016.09 section B-Q2(考點(diǎn):Business valuation(dividend growth model)&MV of debt/market efficiency)

2014.12 Q2(考點(diǎn):1/MV of convertible loan 2/share price using P/E ratio)

預(yù)測(cè):在2017年3月的考試中,以section B的形式在考查,重點(diǎn)考查的內(nèi)容是計(jì)算MV of shares(P/E and the market efficiency);預(yù)測(cè):在2017年6月的考試中,這一章將會(huì)以section C大題的形式考查,并且重點(diǎn)考查的內(nèi)容應(yīng)該是business valuation三種不同的方法,包括每種方法的計(jì)算及優(yōu)缺點(diǎn)的分析。)

Part G Risk management


1.Foreign currency risk

(Foreign currency risk management including:forward exchange contracts/money market borrowing or lending/lead payments)

2.Interest rate risk

(Interest rate risk management including:asset and liability management/matching and smoothing/forward rate agreement)


2015.06 Q1(考點(diǎn):1/評(píng)價(jià)money market hedge VS forward market hedge 2/explain why forward rate manage interest rate risk)

2016.06.Q2(考點(diǎn):1/identify and discuss the different interest rate risk face 2/討論以下pre-denominated interest payment in six month’s time所面臨的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)及怎樣規(guī)避)

預(yù)測(cè):2017年3月份關(guān)于本章內(nèi)容,考查的是currency risk management,so今年6月份很有可能會(huì)考查interest rate risk management的內(nèi)容,但是也并不意味著就不考有關(guān)currency risk management的知識(shí)點(diǎn)了,所以同學(xué)們千萬不可以掉以輕心喲!




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