
Step 1,復(fù)制以下網(wǎng)址在瀏覽器中打開,進入到查詢界面:


Step 2,在Institution Name填寫大學(xué)名稱,可以是關(guān)鍵字形式例如輸入Birmingham就可以得到University of Birmingham的所有結(jié)果。在Country中勾選國籍會顯示相應(yīng)國家的學(xué)校信息。例如:CHINA

Step 3,在學(xué)校列表中找到自己的學(xué)校,點擊進入,查看各專業(yè)明細

Step 4,在各專業(yè)學(xué)位中找到自己的學(xué)位證書類別,以及學(xué)習(xí)進度(畢業(yè)時間),就會得到相應(yīng)的免考的結(jié)果。

Step 5,免考結(jié)果解讀:在顯示的免考結(jié)果中上面的已經(jīng)獲得的免考資格,底下是未來(滿足一定條件)可以獲得的免考資格情況。


A student who graduated with a BSc in Accounting and Finance between 1 January 2003 to 31 December 2008 from the University of Birmingham will gain exemption from Papers F1,F2,F3 and F4.

Additional exemptions for Paper F5 will be awarded for students who completed Management Accounting plus Advanced Management Accounting and Paper F9 for students who completed Corporate Financial Management plus Advanced Finance.
